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A court has sentenced a man in his 20s to jail for running away after touching a woman's body after chasing her on her way home.

According to the legal community today (23rd), the 6th Criminal Division of the Busan District Court sentenced A, who was charged with violating the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment of Sexual Violence Crimes (forcible sexual assault), 4 years and 6 months in prison, completed 80 hours of sexual violence program, and 5 It has been ordered to restrict employment at child and youth-related organizations and welfare facilities for the disabled for one year.

Person A is accused of chasing after woman B, who was returning home around 10 pm on August 11, last year, touching Mr. B's body and running away.

A chased after Mr. B, who was coming out of a subway station in Yeonje-gu, Busan, and when Mr. B opened the common front door of the apartment, he entered the apartment.

They got on the elevator together, and Mr. B got off the 3rd floor first.

However, Mr. B was suspicious that Mr. A was chasing him, so she waited in the hallway to check which lake Mr. A was going into.

After that, Mr. A, who got off the 5th floor, went down to the 3rd floor using the stairs and grabbed Mr. B's body in the hallway.

A resident of the second floor of the same apartment, who appeared as a witness in the trial held, stated, 'I heard Mr. B's scream and witnessed him go to report it to the police.'

Person A denied the crime, saying, 'I went into the same apartment to find shoes', but the court did not accept it and arrested him in court.

The court ruled, "Mr. A did not take any action to enter the building and look for shoes. It is accepted that Mr. A followed Mr. B with intent."

Immediately after the sentencing, Mr. A complained, saying, "I am not in a situation where I should not be sentenced to prison now" and appealed the trial result.