[Explanation] Recently, the "Same Drinking One River Water" Lan-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Chinese and foreign media joint wind-collecting team visited and interviewed the Baicaoyuan Water and Soil Conservation Science and Technology Demonstration Park and the Yunnan Provincial Irrigation Test Center Station in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, and fully experienced the water conservancy. Huimin's "Yunnan Experience".

  In Kunming Baicaoyuan Soil and Water Conservation Science and Technology Demonstration Park, the interview group visited the Baicaoyuan Soil and Water Conservation Science Experience Hall, and through advanced digital experience methods, they learned in detail the process of soil erosion, hazards and successful examples of soil and water conservation.

  [Concurrent] Wang Jie, Director of the Scientific Research Management Office of Yunnan Academy of Water Sciences

  Yunnan has seven climatic zones, so in this case, we have created the diversity of crops in Yunnan. We have this plateau-specific agricultural development plan, so Yunnan has a lot of crops, such as our citrus, which should be the earliest in the country. The listed ones are in our Yunnan, and the last ones are also in our Yunnan.

There are also grapes. The earliest grapes on the market are also in Yunnan, and there are more varieties of them. Therefore, the development of water-saving irrigation has a very good role in promoting the development of our plateau agriculture and the guarantee of our food security. .

  [Explanation] According to the "National Irrigation Test Station Network Construction Plan" issued by the Ministry of Water Resources, the Yunnan Academy of Water Sciences started the construction of the Yunnan Provincial Irrigation Test Center Station in 2016, and gradually formed a "one station with multiple points" irrigation test station network system. The irrigation quota observation of more than 20 kinds of plateau characteristic crops has been completed, and the basic observation data of a long time series has been accumulated. The results are applied to the revision of "Yunnan Province Water Quota (2019)", and provide scientific irrigation for plateau characteristic agriculture in Yunnan Province. water guide.

  [Concurrent] Wang Jie, Director of the Scientific Research Management Office of Yunnan Academy of Water Sciences

  After the completion of our station, we probably surrounded some food crops, vegetables, flowers and fruits, and we completed the observation of more than 20 kinds of crops.

Then our station is also one station and more, what we see today is just one of our stations.

In addition, we have ten observation points outside.

Now we are more mature like citrus, and we have already applied the promotion and application with an area of ​​​​12,000 mu.

  [Explanation] The experience of soil and water conservation and water-saving irrigation in Yunnan Province has achieved remarkable results locally and has been promoted nationwide.

Not only that, taking advantage of the east wind of Lancang-Mekong water resources cooperation, relevant experience has taken root in the Lancang-Mekong sub-region.

From 2020 to 2022, funded by the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Special Fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the series of "Demonstration of Comprehensive Management of Typical Small Watersheds in Lancang-Mekong Countries" will be implemented in three phases, each lasting one year.

  [Concurrent] Wang Jie, Director of the Scientific Research Management Office of Yunnan Academy of Water Sciences

  At present, we are also working on some research on the water saving of crops in the Lancang River Basin.

So in the early stage, under the leadership of the Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Center, we jointly applied for the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) water project, so there is a piece of content that involves a water saving of our main crops in the Lancang River Basin , then we will also be committed to applying our achievements to the six Lancang-Mekong countries and our regions with the same climate and the same crop planting structure, and use some of our ideas or some technologies to promote them well, Or even some help.

  [Explanation] From 2020 to 2021, under the guidance of the Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China, the Yangtze River Academy of Sciences of the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Committee will be the lead unit, and the China Electric Power Construction Group Nanou River Basin Power Generation Co., Ltd. will be invited as the responsible unit for demonstration implementation, in conjunction with the Kunming Survey and Design Institute , and jointly implemented and completed the first and second phase of the "Demonstration of Comprehensive Management of Typical Small Watersheds in Lancang-Mekong Countries" in Phongsali Province, Laos.

  Reporter Du Xiaoxiao from Kunming

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]