'Gosh! That'll be another obvious scene.'

just as expected. On TV, the host of a travel documentary said, "I'll try it." Then he snatched a tray of food that a local resident had handled with precision, and while trying to copy it, he accidentally spilled the food on the tray.

It is food that will be a very precious meal for those people, but half of the food was ruined for the entertainment of the broadcast.

When you watch a travel or documentary program, there are always scenes where the producer PD or the narrator tries to imitate the skilled actions of the locals in order to add a fun element to the broadcast.

Of course I can't do it well. We often witness scenes of spoiling food or household items, destroying crops and agricultural machinery, or angering other people's precious livestock by imitating them with actions that do not work.

I know the intention. As a way of showing how difficult the job is, we will praise the other person and increase the fun and volume of the broadcast. However, contrary to the intention, viewers feel fatigue rather than enjoy the obvious scenario that is repeated too often.

Every time you say, "I'll try it," I say, 'Don't do that. It's going to be a nuisance to those people.' At the same time, I get the feeling of being forced to watch the common 'delicious facial expressions' that made all the people actors in the 'restaurant program'.

"Ah, I can't. These guys are great."

Without exception, the 'grievance' comment makes viewers who knew it not to be able to feel bloated.

Skilled skills are the price of hard work and long hours.

It is impossible to do it all at once.

But these days, it's not just broadcast programs like these that call for boredom with obvious story developments.

It's a bit of a leap, but you get that feeling from the actions and policies of politicians coming out ahead of the presidential election.

The childish poses posted on various social media sites saying that they are in line with the younger generation or trends, and the performances that show the inside are also boring.

What about stimulating legislation or policies that are produced day by day?

Because the obvious ending is expected, it makes me laugh out loud.

A political performance that excites the public with a new vision for the future has long since disappeared from the Republic of Korea.

I'm tired of making promises that I can't keep and saying, "I'll do it too."

The travel documentary host's clumsy attempts only cause viewers annoyance, but the country's leaders will ruin the country.

In travel documentaries for healing, in politics that stakes the fate of the country, I long for a protagonist who arouses anticipation and admiration, saying, "This is what I'm good at. I've been honing for a long time. I'll show you something new."

(Remarks by Ko Cheol-jong, editorial board member)