
Mandatory wearing a Seoul mask, today (31st) is a week, but you are still very confused.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government has issued detailed instructions.

It should be used in all places indoors, outdoors in gatherings, gatherings, events, etc., especially in places where it is difficult to keep a distance of 2 meters between people.

You don't have to use it in private spaces like when you're at home with your family, and of course you can't wear it when eating, but you should wear it before or after eating or when talking to someone.

Infants younger than 24 months or severely ill patients do not need to wear a mask as it may make breathing difficult.

The same is true for actors and athletes who have to take off their masks to work.

Although it is a rule to use it at the wedding hall, exceptions are allowed for the bride and groom, and parents of both families may take off for a while when taking a commemorative photo.

As a reminder, the mask must completely cover the nose and mouth, and if you put it on your chin or put your nose out, it will be considered as not wearing a mask and will be cracked down.

More detailed instructions can be found on the Seoul City website.  

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