It has probably been a good hundred years since this happened in the immediate surroundings of Marseille.

“One or more wolves”, concluded the agents of the French Office for Biodiversity, are indeed responsible for the attack on the herd at Penne-sur-Huveaune where twelve goats were found dead last Sunday.

This conclusion comes after detailed examination "of the parts consumed, their mode of consumption and the characteristics of perforations on the neck".

The owner of the herd may therefore be compensated.

La Penne-sur-Huvea, a commune bordering Marseille, is located on the edge of the Calanques massif, where the presence of wolves has been known since last December,


Valence: the case of the wolf of Valberg closed without further action


Lozère: the prefect authorizes the "sampling shot" on the wolf after an agitated demonstration

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  • Marseilles

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  • Wolf

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