Yanis Darras 11:16 a.m., July 03, 2022

François-Xavier Bellamy, MEP (LR) was the guest of the Grand Rendez-vous d'Europe 1 / Cnews / Les Echos.

The philosopher returned to the debate in France, to include abortion in the constitution.

For the MEP, "this political debate is disconnected from reality" of the French.

A time considered a fundamental right in much of the West, the decision of the American Supreme Court to revoke the constitutional right guaranteeing abortion to American women in all the states of the country, puts abortion at the center of the debates.

Including in France, where the majority now wants to integrate the right to abortion into the constitution, although LREM deputies rejected this proposal in 2018.

"This whole debate is delusional", judge François-Xavier Bellamy at the microphone of Europe 1 / Cnews / Les Echos.