Protests have continued every day in New Delhi, India, as allegations of the death of a 9-year-old girl from the lowest class, the Dalit, after being gang-raped, local media reported.

According to Indian media reports, New Delhi police arrested four men, including a Hindu monk and three crematorium workers, on charges of sexual assault and murder on the 1st.

The arrested men are charged with gang rape and murder of a 9-year-old girl who came to ask for water at a crematorium in southwestern New Delhi on the 1st, and then cremated the body without permission.

It is said that the arrested men called the girl's mother on the day of the incident and cremated the body after fearing that the doctor would secretly sell the organs during the autopsy process if the child was electrocuted and reported to the police.

Hundreds of protesters have gathered in the local area for several days to protest the news of the death of a girl.

Dalit, the lowest class in India, is estimated to have 200 million people and is persecuted to such an extent that it does not fit into traditional caste categories such as Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Sudra.

Although India's constitution prohibits discrimination based on caste, caste-related harm still remains deeply ingrained in Indian society.

(Photo = Yonhap News)