[Explanation] A large-scale outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong, and the utilization rate of isolation wards in public hospitals is close to saturation. In order to relieve the shortage of public medical resources, at noon on August 1st, Hong Kong Asia, known as the "Hong Kong version of the shelter hospital" The community treatment facility of the Expo was officially opened.

  [Explanation] In the morning, the reporter followed the relevant person in charge of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority to visit the preparations for the treatment facilities in the Asia Expo. The first-stage treatment facility was set up in Pavilion No. 1. The reporter saw that there were areas outside the pavilion where medical staff worked, including the central control center, the medical and nursing wear protective equipment area, etc.; on the large screen next to it, the various areas in the venue were displayed. The monitoring screen of the area, as well as the e-health cloud data system, the system displays the patient's vital signs, such as blood oxygen, blood pressure, body temperature, etc., which medical staff can see at a glance.

  【Explanation】Go to the progress hall, the ward is ready, and there are hospital beds, lockers, tables, chairs, lamps and other facilities in a separate and independent space. In order to reduce the risk of virus transmission, after the patient completes the check-in, he mainly communicates with the doctor through visual means. After the patient completes the blood pressure, body temperature and other indicators every morning, the results will be presented on the large screen outside the exhibition hall. In addition, there are also X-ray rooms, bathrooms, and leisure areas. According to the staff, patients can move freely in the ward, but try not to gather.

  [Concurrent] Li Liye, Consultant, Emergency Department, Hong Kong Tin Shui Wai Hospital

  This is the first time that the Hospital Authority has been able to extend the hospitalization approach to the community. We initially estimate that the number of patients we will treat today and tomorrow will be around 20 to 30. We will then see if we can transfer more patients here depending on our needs and our operations (situation). Our goal is to triage community patients here, and then provide appropriate treatment and hospitalization arrangements.

  [Explanation] It is reported that the community treatment facility of AsiaWorld-Expo mainly accepts patients diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia between 18 and 60 years old. The first stage can provide about 500 beds. After 72 hours of observation, patients can be transferred to the Lei Yue Mun isolation facility if their condition is stable; If the condition worsens, he will be transferred to a public hospital for treatment.

  Reporter Li Waner and Chen Haonan from Hong Kong

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]