On May 15th, at the 2021 Ewenki Banner "Imune" Folklore Experience Activity Site, visitors can experience sheep catching, sheep lap and other projects on the spot, and they can also cook lamb in a copper pot with a height of one person, so that the taste buds will be extremely Great satisfaction.

  In the intangible cultural heritage exhibition area, the traditional handicrafts with ethnic characteristics such as sunflowers, wicker bags, and knives made everyone feel the strong ethnic culture of Ewenki Banner.

  At the scene, 128 Bok masters from all banners and urban areas of the city wore Bok wrestling uniforms and Mongolian boots. They started a fierce competition amidst the cheering and cheering of onlookers.

  It is understood that "Imune" is the Ewenki language, which means "good harvest meeting".

Compared with previous years, this year's Imune pays more attention to interactive experience, allowing tourists to learn about the history and culture of Ewenki and feel the cultural charm of Ewenki during the experience and play.

(Zhang Wei Bao Wenjun produced Chen Feng video source Ewen Kerong Media Center)

Editor in charge: [Chen Haifeng]