Actress Zendaya -

Faye's Vision / Cover Images

No one came out of 2020 completely unscathed, and there are many for whom this health crisis has been coupled with another crisis, existential this time.

This is the case of Zendaya who, when the shootings had stopped, realized that she had always defined herself as an actress.

"It was the first time I found myself saying to myself, 'OK, who am I without this?'

Which is a pretty scary thing to confront, because I don't really know Zendaya outside of the working Zendaya.

I did not realize how much my work and my art were part of my identity as a human, ”the star told


before addressing the fusional relationship she has with her characters.


Indeed, Zendaya is used to connecting in depth with her characters, as with Rue, the teenager she plays in



This is largely the reason why the actress felt so idle during lockdown as she waited for filming to take place.

In the end, his patience paid off as his role in the HBO series won him an Emmy Award last September.


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