Stomach disease in winter is coming urgently

  Diet Weapon

  The weather is cold in winter, and the temperature in Beijing has broken new lows these days.

When the temperature is low, the intestinal function is prone to disorder, which is a high incidence of acute gastritis.

If you accidentally eat food that is contaminated with bacteria and are not digestible, or drink unclean cold water, or if you eat and drink, it is easy to cause acute gastritis.

Therefore, the "entrance closed" must be kept in winter.

  Today, let’s take care of our stomachs. In winter, if we want to keep our stomachs safe, what should we pay attention to in our diet?

Are there any stomach-related diseases that need us to be vigilant?

  Typical case: Mr. Zhang, the manager of a foreign company in Beijing, had stomach problems. He worked overtime with a few colleagues one night. After the overtime, everyone was hungry. So a few people went to a restaurant and had hot pot. The mutton was very enjoyable. , And the cold beer is super refreshing, and everyone had a great chat.

But just after eating, Mr. Zhang felt a terrible stomachache, and he still didn't get any relief after going to the toilet twice.

Accompanied by a colleague, he went to the hospital urgently. After examination, it was found to be acute gastritis. Fortunately, he was treated in time, and Mr. Zhang finally turned from danger to safety.

  Examples like Mr. Zhang are very common in winter.

Because in these ninety-nine cold winters, a hot and stimulating meal of hot pot or mala soup with a refreshing draft beer or cold drink is a pleasure, and it is also a choice of many people.

But this also laid a hidden danger for acute gastritis.

  Stomach disease mostly manifests as an acute onset, with varying symptoms.

There are often triggers such as improper diet, alcoholism, and taking irritating drugs, followed by abdominal pain, loss of appetite, belching, nausea, vomiting and other dyspeptic symptoms; in addition, the patients caused by food poisoning are often accompanied by acute enteritis and appear around the umbilicus Pain, diarrhea, fever, dehydration and even shock can be accompanied by upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

In severe cases, the vomitus is slightly bloody, and the disease is caused by Salmonella or golden grapes and their toxins. The disease usually occurs within 24 hours after eating, and is often accompanied by diarrhea, fever, and dehydration. In severe cases, acidosis or shock may occur.

  So, how to correctly understand acute gastritis, how to treat and prevent it?

Dr. Jianjun Liu, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, Rocket Army Specialized Medical Center, is for everyone.

  Bacterial toxins, cold and heat, and foreign bodies in the stomach

  May be the cause of stomach problems

  1. Foods and beverages that are too cold, hot or too rough, strong tea, coffee, spirits and other irritating condiments, and drugs (aspirin, indomethacin, etc.) can stimulate the gastric mucosa, destroy the mucosal barrier, and cause the stomach Mucosal hyperemia, edema, erosion and bleeding.

  2. Bacteria and their toxins, common pathogenic bacteria are Salmonella, halophilic bacteria, pathogenic Escherichia coli, etc., common toxins are Staphylococcus aureus toxin and bacillus toxin, especially the former is more common, eating contaminated bacteria or toxins Gastritis can occur within a few hours of food, or enteritis at the same time, namely acute gastroenteritis.

Staphylococcus and its toxins develop faster after ingestion.

  3. Foreign bodies or stones in the stomach, and radiotherapy in the stomach area can be used as exogenous stimuli, leading to the occurrence of this disease.

Mood fluctuations, stress states and allergic reactions caused by various factors in the body can be used as endogenous stimuli to cause disease.

  Don't be afraid if you have stomach problems

  There are ways to regulate diet

  1. Drink plenty of water: to supplement the body's water and salt loss due to vomiting and diarrhea.

The specific method is to take it alternately with warm light salt water, light black tea water, rice soup or boiled vegetable water.

Usually once every hour, drink 150-200 ml each time.

Drinking more water also helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

  2. Semi-liquid food: After stopping vomiting and reducing the frequency of diarrhea, you can drink a small amount of thin millet porridge or lotus root noodles, and then gradually eat some rice porridge, soft boiled vermicelli, thin noodles, etc.

Still have to continue to drink more water, do not rush to eat meat, eggs and other foods that contain more protein, fat and dietary fiber, and foods that are prone to bloating, and do not drink milk for the time being.

  3. Diet during the recovery period: After the condition is relieved, eat food that is easy to digest, less irritating and light flatulence, and try to make it softer and lighter.

You can start to eat some steamed egg custard, soda crackers, toasted bread, yogurt, steamed or stewed fresh fish, lean meat, tender vegetable leaves, etc.

The amount of food per meal should be small, not too much or too much at one time, and the main eating method is small and frequent meals.

  4. Foods that are not suitable for eating: In order to avoid gastrointestinal fermentation and flatulence, avoid eating gas-producing foods such as beef in the acute phase, and minimize the intake of sucrose.

Pay attention to food hygiene, avoid high-fat fried, fried, smoked, and cured fish, vegetables and fruits that contain more fiber, and strong irritating foods, condiments, etc.

  Poor gastrointestinal immunity

  These daily preventions are essential

  1. It is cold in winter, life must be regular, regular daily living, avoid overtime staying up late, and avoid extra meals at night.

  2. Pay attention to cold and warm, wear more clothes when going out, wear gloves, scarves, hats, etc., especially button up clothes, do not let the wind blow directly into your stomach to avoid cold in your stomach.

  3. Avoid overeating. Don't eat and drink at one time during family dinners and friends' banquets. Drink excessively without restraint. Keep your mouth shut.

  4. Don't smoke excessively and don't drink strong tea for a long time.

  5. Don't eat greasy food, such as fried dough sticks, oil cakes, fatty meat, etc., usually eat more fruits and vegetables and light food.

  6. Avoid eating rough and irritating foods, such as all kinds of whole grains, biscuits, pepper, hot and spicy, shallots, espresso, etc. as little as possible.

  7. Avoid acidic foods and carbonated drinks.

These foods or beverages are easy to block digestion and stimulate the gastric mucosa, which is not conducive to the recovery of gastric mucosal inflammation.

  8. To maintain a happy mood and emotional stability, you can listen to songs, climb mountains, exercise, and cultivate your hobbies.

  Text/Mo Peng (Rocket Army Characteristic Medical Center)