The murderous journey of the man suspected of three murders between Drôme, Ardèche and Alsace ended in a chase with the police.

Sébastien, peacekeeper in Valence, is one of the three agents who arrested the alleged killer on Thursday morning.

He delivers his story to Europe 1.


It is not yet 9 a.m. at the staff of the Public Security Directorate of Drôme, Friday, when the general alarm of the police station sounds, indicating that serious facts are happening.

Gunshots took place in a Pôle Emploi agency in Valence around 8:30 am.

The police quickly put on their equipment and jump into a car to stop the suspect.

"By an excellent witness, we had the model, the color and the plate of the vehicle in which the shooter had left", explains Sébastien, peacekeeper.


- Murders near Valence and in Alsace: update on the investigation

"We deliberately hit the suspect's vehicle"

A patrol is organized in the city in order to question him.

But the wanted man has already moved, going to the other side of the Rhône, to Guilherand-Granges.

After several minutes of unsuccessful searches, the police received a radio message informing that shooting had just taken place in a Faun recycling company.

"With my two colleagues, we headed for the Ardèche."

The individual is very quickly spotted.

When Sébastien and his colleagues arrive on the scene, a police car tries in vain to block the suspect vehicle: "The driver gave a hard steering wheel and found himself facing us against the grain."

At the controls, Sébastien's teammate tries to block him with his vehicle but he realizes that the driver in front of him is determined to force the passage.

"Without even communicating with each other, we know that the only solution is to stop your vehicle. My colleague maneuvered and deliberately crashed into the red Hyundai."


- "Confirmed link" between the murders of Drôme-Ardèche and that of Haut-Rhin

"I didn't hear the sound of his voice"

The events then follow one another very quickly.

The police leap out of the car, arms in hand, they extract the suspect who finds himself pinned to the ground and handcuffed.

"We knew he was a dangerous man and that he was armed. We had to prevent him from grabbing his gun."

He will not have time to make a gesture towards it, stunned by the shock suffered by his car.

Immobilized, the suspect offers almost no resistance to the police.

Sébastien says he never tried to hit them: "I didn't hear the sound of his voice, he wasn't saying anything."

While the 45-year-old man is now in custody, Sébastien says he is "proud to have done the job".

"I am also relieved to have prevented this man from entering the city center and causing other victims."