
February 28, 2021 "I think an assembly should be held, perhaps involving Rousseau too, but that's not enough. If I'm here it's because I always put my face to it, I'm trying to argue and I'm not at the top of the M5s because now there are the leaders of the first now. The M5s thrives on momentary circles. Now we have to create clear and democratic rules that last. "

So at 'half an hour more' on Rai3 Vincenzo Spadafora, former M5s minister of Sport.

"Don't be afraid of names, we have to involve everyone," he said. 

"The summit was rapid, however, an analysis of the situation was certainly made and the solution is certainly to involve President Conte as the leader of the 5-star movement," said the former Minister of Sport, Vincenzo Spadafora.

"I am among those who are convinced that it is a good solution - he added - as long as this does not mean covering the problems and contradictions of the M5s, and if it is only a communication operation to go up a few percentage points".

"We are as a 5-star movement in a delicate phase - explained Spadafora - we entered the Draghi government for the good of the country, but it is obvious that this has created an immense rift in the movement. And after the formation of the government with ministers and undersecretaries the split was even worse. This is also because the negotiations were perhaps not conducted in the best way, we gave up many historical battles and perhaps we did not know how to explain it to our constituents and our base ".