
"Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.

Teddy bear, teddy bear, bend over. ”Memories come back to me when it comes to jumping rope.

Memories of school days, especially of the breaks.

The young girls in particular eagerly let the long, colorful ropes fly between school hours.

But very few people know that this banal game can also be a real calorie killer.

Depending on age, gender and body weight, you burn almost 500 calories at a moderate pace in half an hour - comparable to an hour of jogging or Nordic walking.

The only difference is that you don't need that much space when jumping rope - and that's what makes the exercise so particularly attractive for your training plan.

Jumping rope, also known as rope skipping, is one of the most effective workouts

Source: Getty Images

Rope skipping: this is how the workout works

Which rope?

If you want to start today, you need a rope.

Not the long, colorful hemp from back then - it should be made of PVC for training.

For the die-hard among you, the steel professional ropes are particularly suitable - pain is guaranteed.


On what surface?

The surface should have a slightly resilient property.

If the ground is too hard or the sole of the shoes is too firm, joint problems can arise due to the heavy strain on the ankles.

Wooden floors or tartan tracks are ideal.

How long should the rope be?

As a beginner, there are a few principles to stick to.

In order to find the optimal length of the rope for your own height, both hands take one end in each hand.

The arms are close to the body.

The trainee stands shoulder-width apart in the middle of the rope and pulls the ends up as far as possible.

If the elbows are now at a 90-degree angle, the length of the rope is perfect.


When jumping rope, the rotation of the rope comes from the wrists - shoulders and forearms remain stiff.

The latter cannot be said of the ankles.

The jump and landing take place on the forefoot, the joint softly cushions the movement.

Think of a cat.

Not an elephant.

Also suitable for tough guys - jumping rope is a must for boxers

Source: Getty Images / Image Source


What's the point?

Once you get the hang of jumping rope, you will feel its effects after just a few practice units.

The huge loss of calories is just one of the many benefits of jumping rope.

Endurance and coordination skills are also effectively trained.

The second aspect is particularly interesting for people of advanced age: it is not uncommon for seniors to struggle with balance and coordination problems.

How do i train

During training, you should be able to achieve a pace of one jump per second after a short period of familiarization.

Don't jump too high to make it easier to coordinate the movement and also to master a brisk pace.

If you have the basics and can jump without making mistakes, work through the following training levels:

Jump rope: training for beginners and professionals


Jump for one minute at a brisk pace on both feet at the same time, then take a break of about 30 seconds.

Do this set a total of four times.

Then pause for a minute or two and repeat the process three times.



If the beginner's training is too easy for you, increase the intensity.

Again you jump one minute each in four sets, now imagine yourself climbing a flight of stairs under time pressure.

So change your foot after every jump, the knees are drawn at a 90-degree angle.


In professional training, endurance and coordination units are coupled.

Climb the fictional stairs in the first set like a pride of hungry lions are after you.

The second sentence consists of running the rope twice under you between take-off and landing - technically a "double under".

In the third set the arms are crossed in front of the body before every second jump, jump through the resulting loop ("criss cross").

In the fourth set, swing the rope backwards.

As with the previous steps, this process is repeated three times.

Note: This article was first published in April 2016.

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