If you love coffee, what is the maximum daily intake, what are the negative effects of exceeding this limit, and how does it occur in the body?

Experts from Mayo Clinic answer these questions.

What is the maximum amount of coffee allowed per day?

It depends on a person's weight and health, but it is generally not recommended to exceed 4 cups of coffee, or the equivalent of 400 milligrams of caffeine per day.

What are the most prominent effects of excessive coffee?

1- Headache

In a report published in the American magazine Eat this, Not that, writer Kenan May quotes Kelly Turnström, a nurse in neurology at the Mayo Clinic in La Crosse, Wisconsin, "When we consume caffeine regularly, the body becomes associated with its effects."

This explains that "caffeine narrows the blood vessels that surround the brain, and when you stop drinking coffee these vessels enlarge, and this leads to an increase in blood flow around the brain and pressure on the surrounding nerves, and it may later cause what is known as a caffeine withdrawal headache, and this headache can last for two weeks." Because the body takes some time to adjust to the lack of caffeine. "

2- Frequent urination or inability to control the bladder

Caffeine is a diuretic, which means you go to the bathroom more often when you drink lots of cups of coffee a day, and it can lead to some difficulties with bladder control.

And if you may suffer from any of these symptoms, it is imperative that you pay close attention to the amount of coffee you consume daily.

3- Accelerated heart rate

There are a number of factors that can cause the heart rate to accelerate to more than 100 beats per minute, apart from cases of physical exertion, such as after strenuous exercise.

According to Mayo Clinic experts, consuming large amounts of caffeinated beverages is one of the reasons that can lead to a rapid heartbeat.

4- Tremors

The Mayo Clinic defines "idiopathic tremor" as a neurological disorder that can cause the body to shiver uncontrollably, especially in the hands, while performing simple tasks such as holding a glass of water or tying a shoe.

These shivers may occur due to excessive consumption of caffeine, so the experts at Mayo Clinic advise to reduce your coffee intake to avoid this condition.

5- Insomnia

If you want a calm and comfortable sleep, the experts at Mayo Clinic advise you to avoid any caffeinated beverages 10 hours before bedtime.

A team of researchers from the Mayo Clinic confirmed that "the effects of nicotine and caffeine take several hours to wear off from the body, and can impair sleep quality."

6- Tension

Psychologist Craig Sawchuk believes that high amounts of caffeine lead to excess nervousness, stress and disrupt sleep.

When stress symptoms worsen, Sauchok recommends consulting with specialists for appropriate treatments and medications.