
Mönchengladbach (dpa / lnw) - In the process of the violent death of a five-year-old boy from Mönchengladbach, the accused mother of the child commented on the allegations for the first time on Wednesday.

In a statement read out by her defense attorney, the 23-year-old denied ever mistreating Fabio and his two-year-old brother.

It was true that she once slapped Fabio on the fingers and behind, the defendant said.

The woman and her boyfriend of the same age at the time are indicted in the trial, which has lasted for over three months.

He is accused of manslaughter, his mother's death by failure.

The young woman said that at first she always believed her boyfriend when he explained the children's injuries with accidents such as "falling out of the bunk bed" or "running in front of the heater".

It was only just under a month before Fabio's death on April 21 that her doubts arose when her five-year-old son had a hematoma from glasses, i.e. bruises around both eyes.

She did not dare to speak to her partner about it for fear of his reactions.

"He was so irritable," she explained.

Originally, the defendant was supposed to testify on Wednesday.

The man said he was unable to do so because of severe jaw and ear pain.


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