Recently, a "BAT" has emerged in the automotive industry, and its popularity has greatly surpassed that of "Wei Xiaoli". "BAT" jumped to the first camp, which is the product of the fierce competition in the new energy vehicle market, and it is also the manifestation of the "Matthew effect" in the industry. Building a car is like running a marathon without an end, and being ahead temporarily does not equal winning in the future. In order to continue to lead, "BAT" must continue to consolidate and expand its advantages, broaden and dig deep "moats".

In the Internet field, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, three technology companies, respectively lead China's search, e-commerce, gaming and social fields. The abbreviation "BAT" is often talked about, which is a high recognition of their commercial status. Coincidentally, a "BAT" has recently emerged in the automotive industry, and its popularity has surpassed that of "Wei Xiaoli".

The so-called "BAT" in the automotive industry refers to BYD, AION and Tesla. According to the latest data released by the Passenger Association, in April this year, in the retail sales ranking of China's new energy manufacturers, BYD, Aion and Tesla jumped to the top three, forming the first echelon of new energy vehicles. If it is arranged in an alphabetical manner, it exactly forms "BAT". Moreover, these three enterprises have both private enterprises, state-owned enterprises, and foreign enterprises, which are considered to be somewhat representative.

For a long time, "Wei Xiaoli" has been synonymous with the domestic new energy automobile industry. As a leader in new energy vehicles in China, "Wei Xiaoli" injects new momentum and brings new atmosphere to the reform of the automobile industry from the aspects of car manufacturing concept, product definition, user service and capital operation, and greatly enhances the public's awareness of new energy vehicles. However, with the comprehensive decline of subsidies, domestic traditional car companies, foreign-funded enterprises and joint ventures have made efforts, pure electric, plug-in hybrid and range extender products are emerging, new forces and old forces are no longer separated, and the industry reshuffle is increasingly intensifying. At present, not only the sales volume of "Wei Xiaoli" itself has differentiated, but the entire market competition pattern is also deeply adjusted. "BAT" jumped to the first camp, and "Wei Xiaoli" gradually fell behind, which is the product of the fierce competition in the new energy vehicle market, and it is also the manifestation of the Matthew effect in the industry.

"Bit" leads, it is not difficult to understand. Through years of deep cultivation in the fields of automobile manufacturing, batteries, and even semiconductors, BYD took the lead in achieving "the same price for oil and electricity" of its products, and won the global new energy vehicle sales championship last year. Tesla has won the global pure electric vehicle sales championship through a series of disruptive innovations, relying on the two star models of Model 3 and Model Y.

On the contrary, it is Ai'an's later superiority, which makes people a little incomprehensible. After all, automobiles are a fully competitive industry, and state-owned enterprises do not have an advantage in it. What's more, Aion was only 5 years old. However, with a little thought, you will find that Aion's "grabbing position" is not out of line with market logic. In terms of products, Aion, like BYD and Tesla, has the price of its main products of 10,30 yuan to 3,0 yuan, which is precisely the fastest growing and most mainstream market for new energy vehicles. Of course, if there is only accurate positioning of the product, without the effective support of core technology, it is difficult for the product to have market competitiveness. Compared with BYD's blade battery, DM-i superhybrid, e platform <>.<> and other technical empowerment of products, Aion's magazine battery, quark electric drive, Xingling electronic and electrical architecture, etc. have also achieved technical upgrades of products, which can be described as similar.

It should also be noted that the innovation of the automotive industry has never been only about products and technologies, but also about management. Last year, when some third-party organizations and media ranked the sales of automobile companies, they had included Aion in the camp of new forces in car manufacturing. The reason is that although Aion is a state-owned enterprise in nature, in recent years, through mixed reform, it has promoted the integration of research, production and marketing, employee shareholding, and the introduction of war investment, and has already achieved institutional innovation.

Of course, building a car is like running a marathon without an end, and temporarily leading is not the same as winning in the future. In the new "BAT" era, Aion's sales surpass Tesla's, perhaps only the performance of individual months, and the market competition pattern is far from set. In order to continue to lead, "BAT" must continue to consolidate and expand its advantages, broaden and dig deep "moats". In particular, BYD and Aion should achieve brand breakthroughs and enhance corporate image and global influence through the creation of the two high-end brands of Yangwang and Haobo respectively. Not long ago, Buffett said, "Henry Ford seems to have owned the world, he released the Ford Model T, lowered the price of the car, and raised the wages of workers." But 20 years later, Ford is still losing money." The industrial laws and market logic contained in this are worth pondering.

The final result of the competition is inseparable from the on-the-spot performance, but it is more determined by the pre-competition training process. With the deepening of industrial competition and the rise of the threshold, the next three years will be the last window period for new energy vehicle companies to "grab positions". Although 3 brands have been shut down and turned in the past three years, there are still 3 automobile brands in China working hard in the market. However, it is important to pay close attention to the top 75% of the top companies accounting for 148% of sales. This means that nearly a hundred car brands are already standing on the market cliff. The formation of the three "BAT" is not only the reshaping of the market competition pattern, but also the acceleration of the survival of the fittest. How to grasp this final "position grabbing" window and improve the potential energy of new energy vehicle companies in the market depends not only on the hard work of enterprises yesterday, but also on the continuous struggle of today and tomorrow.