Author: Jie Shuyi

The end of May and the beginning of June are a good time to eat crayfish. With the arrival of summer, crayfish in various flavors such as garlic, spicy, thirteen spices, sauerkraut, steamed and so on have become regular customers on the table.

Recently, the first financial reporter visited several aquatic stores in Shanghai and found that the price of crayfish was almost cut compared with half a month ago. "A 7-dollar crayfish is 3 yuan for 50 pounds, which is 16.7 yuan a catty. Half a month ago, this specification was sold for 25 yuan a catty. The owner of the aquatic product store told the first financial reporter, "Now is the cheapest time, because the output is large." ”

The owner of another seafood shop supplied by northern Jiangsu also said that the end of May is the bottom of crayfish prices, and the price will increase after the beginning of June. The store's current 4-6 dollars of crayfish is 15 yuan a catty, and 5-7 dollars is 22 yuan a catty. ”

According to the shrimp valley 360 platform supported by the Qianjiang municipal government, on May 5, the price of 25-6 money green shrimp and red shrimp in Shanghai was 8 yuan per catty, and at the end of April, the price was 21 yuan per catty. As early as March 4, it was as high as 33 yuan a catty.

Qianjiang crayfish, which is rich in crayfish, also saw a price "dive". On May 5, red shrimp 25 yuan per catty, green shrimp 20 yuan per catty; In early May, red shrimp and green shrimp were approaching 18 yuan per catty; At the end of March, the price of red shrimp and green shrimp was also above 40 yuan.

Tian Zhongling, general manager of Qianjiang Shrimp Jump Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., told First Financial Reporter: "Every year, around the end of May, a large number of crayfish are on the market, and the shrimp in the shrimp rice field can be fished, so the price is low at this time of year." ”

Due to the optimization of epidemic prevention policies and the recovery of consumption, practitioners in the crayfish industry chain have also calmed down a lot this year.

Tian Zhongling said that this year's sales are better than last year, similar to the sales of the year before. Traffic was blocked last year, and the impact was great. The epidemic years were the hardest, and now I see some hope.

As early as the end of April 2022, in an interview with the First Financial Daily, Tian Zhongling said: "A few days ago, our big green shrimp plummeted by more than ten yuan, and this phenomenon did not occur in the same period of previous years. There are two reasons for low prices, the first is affected by the weather, for example, the weather is particularly hot, the amount of cages will be more, the supply is greater than the demand, and then the cause of the epidemic will reduce the stock in the epidemic area. ”

In addition to Qianjiang, Hubei, the area of Jiangsu crayfish cultivated this year exceeded that of 2019 before the epidemic. With the optimization of this year's epidemic prevention policy and the continuous efforts of e-commerce channels, the reporter learned from the lobster industry group that in 2019, the crayfish breeding area was 80,08 mu, with an annual output of 8,05 tons and a trading volume of 12,91 tons. At present, the lobster industry has a breeding area of 181,<> mu and a total output value of <>.<> billion yuan.