Beijing, April 4 (Zhongxin Net) (Gong Hongyu) "Rural revitalization is neighborhood harmony", "Rural revitalization means that young people are willing to return", "Rural revitalization means that the elderly can afford to get sick and children can afford to go to school"... All kinds of words reflect the simple expectations and aspirations of farmers for rural revitalization. What do farmers think about rural revitalization that is related to the construction of their hometowns and the livelihood of their families?

In order to "listen to farmers' voices and understand rural reality", Professor Ye Jingzhong of the College of Humanities and Development of China Agricultural University led a research team of 43 people to carry out a research on "rural revitalization from the perspective of farmers" in a total of 2021 villages in five provinces including Shandong, Hunan, Shaanxi, Zhejiang and Hebei since March 3, completing a total of 5 farmer questionnaires, completing 10 interviews with grassroots cadres, new business entities, and small farmers, with 529.154 million words of interview materials, and the research result "Rural Revitalization from the Perspective of Farmers" Recently published by Social Science Literature Press.

It is found that the overall characteristics of rural revitalization in the eyes of farmers are diversified and open, and the different life experiences and identity backgrounds of farmers affect their actual demands, policy experiences and perceptions of the times, and different factors are intertwined to form a rich and colorful perspective of farmers.

Book "Rural Revitalization from the Perspective of Peasants".

Rural revitalization from the perspective of farmers: serving the needs of farmers' production and life

Farmers' understanding of rural revitalization is simple and concrete, farmers believe that "rural revitalization is to build the countryside well", "rural revitalization is good hygiene, good environment, everything is good". There are also peasants who express more specific ideas around their daily production and life, "rural revitalization is a good day, a good day is to be able to work, see a disease, provide for the elderly, and have a stable source of life", "rural revitalization means that everyone has a beautiful house, a comfortable environment, an abundant ticket, the elderly have some support, the country has a responsibility for major diseases, and the lonely elderly have care", "It is necessary to concentrate housing, centralized medical care, centralized education, centralized work, so that the people can work in the village to earn money", "The people earn money in the village, Spend money in the village and create a virtuous circle".

Farmers are the main body of rural revitalization, they are not only the builders of rural revitalization, but also the direct beneficiaries of the results of rural revitalization development, farmers' understanding is mainly based on their life experience and life experience expression, which is of fundamental significance for understanding rural revitalization strategy.

Industrial prosperity from the perspective of farmers: focusing on increasing farmers' employment and income

In the survey, farmers' understanding and expectations for the prosperity of the industry are very diverse. Some farmers believe that "the countryside must take the road of agricultural development, China is a big grain country, if one-sided development of industry, the environment will be damaged, food security will not be guaranteed", but "if grain prices do not rise, it will be difficult for industry to prosper", and areas with conditions need to improve the added value of agriculture through the development of characteristic agriculture. For more farmers, the income from part-time work is higher than the income from farming, so they expect that "there are factories and projects in the local area, and they can work in the enterprise", but some farmers proposed that they should "take industrial development as the lead, agricultural development as the basis, and work to supplement agriculture, and work to coordinate with agriculture". In addition, some farmers have great expectations for the development of rural tourism, believing that "rural tourism has a future and provides many jobs", and "the development of rural tourism in villages can attract people who go out to return to their hometowns".

Who will depend on to achieve the prosperity of rural industries? 45.5% of the peasants believe that the prosperity of industry mainly depends on the government, and they believe that "the state has great strength, and whichever village the state supports can develop". 37.3% of farmers believe that village cadres and village collectives should lead the development of village industries, they believe that "village cadres should dare to think and dare to work, to attract investment and investment, and village collectives should lead everyone to become rich". 35.6% of farmers hope to introduce foreign investors such as enterprises to promote industrial development, they believe that "foreign enterprises can bring capital and technology", "large enterprises know how to manage, and production efficiency is higher".

Ecological livability from the perspective of farmers: consciously protect and improve quality

In recent years, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to the improvement of the living environment in rural areas, and the living conditions of peasants and the ecological outlook of rural areas have been markedly improved. 69.7% of farmers believe that their village has no obvious environmental problems, believing that "the water in the village is clear, there is no garbage, and the home is clean", and "the air in the village is now cleaner than in the city". Some farmers said, "There are too many old houses in the village, the roadway is too narrow, and the infrastructure needs to be replanned and the infrastructure built well", "The weeds on the roadside have become green belts, planted flowers and trees", "I hope that the village also has a park like the city", "I hope that the village has mountains and waters, birds singing and flowers, and people and nature live in harmony".

In terms of ecological livable construction, 57.8% of farmers believe that they should mainly rely on themselves, "villagers should consciously maintain village environmental sanitation, need to do some work by themselves", "everyone must abide by the relevant regulations of the village, to ensure that the natural environment is not destroyed, whether it is for health or for the village environment and industry, it is a good thing, every household can benefit". In addition, farmers also believe that village cadres can strengthen guidance, management and supervision, and the government can provide policy, financial and other support.

Effective governance from the perspective of farmers: "select" cadres and "good cadres"

Farmers' understanding of the effective connotation of governance is relatively broad, involving typical governance contents such as village elections, village affairs openness, public security and stability maintenance, as well as industrial development and environmental improvement. Among them, farmers are most concerned about the capacity of village cadres, who believe that in order to achieve effective governance, they must let "capable people serve the villagers". Some farmers mentioned that they could try to "parachute into the village branch secretary and invite college students to become village officials." Farmers believe that village cadres should not only do a good job in the daily management of the village, ensure that they "lead by example and handle things fairly and justly", but also become the guide for the development of the village's industry. Compared with the content and form of governance, farmers are more concerned about the effect of governance. Farmers believe that rural governance must implement the policies of the higher authorities, "solve the practical difficulties of the people", and "when the people want to do things, the village can provide good support and services". Therefore, the peasants hope that "cadres and peasants will unite as one" and that "cadres will think about the peasants everywhere."

Rural civilization from the perspective of peasants: a small step for individual civilization and a big step for village civilization

The peasants mainly expressed their understanding of the rural style and civilization from two aspects: personal social relations and the overall atmosphere of the village. On the one hand, farmers believe that the civilization of rural style means "neighborly harmony", "no fighting", "human touch", "respect the old and love the young" in the family, "support the elderly, raise and educate children". On the other hand, farmers believe that ritual activities such as red and white happy events in villages should be kept simple, not compared or wasted; More cultural and recreational activities should be organized in the village; Villages are fair and equitable in the distribution of public resources, and "everyone should have an equal say"; "One heart from top to bottom in the village" forms an atmosphere of "unity, love and harmony".

For the construction of rural style and civilization, 65.6% of the peasants believe that they should mainly rely on themselves, and that everyone needs to improve their own quality, do not steal, rob, or gamble, "villagers are the most important thing to consciously", "language and behavior must be polite", village cadres, teachers and other representatives of village culture should play an exemplary role. Some farmers believe that whether the rural style is civilized or not is related to the level of the economy, and "many contradictions in the village are caused by a little difference in economic interests, so as long as the quality of life is improved, the contradictions will become less." Some farmers also pointed out some problems that the current rural style civilization is encountering, such as the old people still have feudal superstitious ideas, and young people are seriously affected by the bad atmosphere of the Internet.

The peasant perspective of a prosperous life: material abundance, spiritual abundance, strong security

Farmers believe that living a prosperous life means "not owing debts and having savings", "daily consumption is satisfied, and occasionally you can go to restaurants to eat", "go to the city to buy a house and have your own car". There are also peasants who believe that "living a prosperous life requires not only material prosperity, but also spiritual prosperity." At the same time, farmers put forward, "Now every family is living very well, but medical care and pension are particularly stressful for the people", "living a rich life means being able to see a disease", "living a rich life means being healthy, there is no serious illness, and children's education and hospital treatment do not worry about money."

In general, farmers' requirements for a rich life are not limited to a single economic income dimension, and their requirements for income are not as high as possible, but based on personal living standards and quality of life as the standard, "food and clothing, enough food and drink" is the most simple idea of farmers for a rich life.

The study believes that compared with the vigorous discussion and practice of rural revitalization under mainstream public opinion, the voice and actions of peasant groups have not attracted widespread attention. As the main body of rural revitalization, farmers are not only the builders of rural revitalization, but also the beneficiaries of the achievements of rural revitalization and development. Therefore, paying attention to the understanding of farmers has important theoretical value and practical significance for the top-level design of rural revitalization strategy and its policy implementation. (End)