Per reporter Bao Jingjing

Second-hand housing transactions have ushered in major changes.

On March 3, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the Notice on Coordinating the "Transfer with Mortgage" of Real Estate to Facilitate the People and Benefit Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), making comprehensive arrangements for coordinating the "transfer with mortgage" of real estate. This means that "transfer with escort" has moved from a local policy to a stage of nationalization, normalization and comprehensive promotion.

In fact, according to the monitoring data of the Middle Index, since 2022, more than <> cities across the country have issued a second-hand housing "transfer with charge" policy, including Shenzhen, Jinan, Dalian and other provincial capitals and cities with separate plans. Moreover, Tianjin, Shanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei and other provinces have fully carried out the "transfer with mortgage" of second-hand houses.

"Based on the total price of 100 million yuan, the loan amount of about 70,50 yuan, and the balance of the loan principal of 50,50 yuan as an example, if the past transaction model is followed, the seller needs to raise 3,31 yuan to repay the loan before he can realize the transfer of the property. According to the 'transfer with charge' policy, the early payment cost of <>,<> yuan can be omitted, which naturally accelerates the transaction of second-hand houses. Yan Yuejin, research director of the E-House Research Institute, told the "Daily Economic News" reporter through WeChat on March <> that the significance of this policy is that the follow-up has a positive effect on revitalizing the second-hand housing market and driving first-hand housing transactions with second-hand housing. The recent recovery in second-hand housing transactions in various places is also partly due to the promotion of such policies.

Emphasize normalization and lead the surface with points

According to the Circular, "transfer with mortgage" means that when applying for the registration of the transfer of mortgaged real estate, the procedures such as transfer, re-mortgage and new loan can be completed without repaying the old loan in advance and canceling the mortgage registration, so as to realize the effective connection between real estate registration and mortgage loan.

Chen Wenjing, director of market research at the China Index Research Institute, told reporters via WeChat on March 3 that the "transfer with charge" launched in various places is mainly divided into personal business and enterprise business, and personal business is mostly, mainly for second-hand residential transactions. In some areas, such as Dongtai and Pingdingshan, the "transfer with charge" business has also been extended to industrial projects, commercial real estate and other fields, effectively solving the problems of long processing time, high transaction risk and heavy capital burden in the transfer of real estate transactions in custody.

Unlike many cities in the past, where the "transfer with mortgage" placed more emphasis on the perspective of real estate registration system and creating a business environment, the Notice makes it clear that it is necessary to attach great importance to improving the political position, and take the "transfer with charge" of real estate as one of the important measures to accelerate the steady recovery of economic operation.

The two departments made it clear that on the basis of the existing work, all localities should make in-depth explorations, and comprehensively promote the "transfer with escort" with "three expansions": promote provincial capitals and cities with separate plans to take the lead in realizing it, and gradually expand to other cities and counties; Promote the same banking financial institution to take the lead and gradually expand to cross-banking financial institutions; Promote the first realization of residential real estate, and gradually expand to industrial, commercial and other types of real estate, and finally achieve full coverage of geographical scope, financial institutions and real estate types "transfer with mortgage".

Yan Yuejin believes that the expression of the above three levels of this policy fully reflects the guidance of normalizing the implementation of "transfer with mortgage", and has positive guiding significance for the subsequent reform pilots of different cities, different banks and different real estate projects.

Prevent "one room, two sales"

In the practice and exploration in various places, three types of "mortgage transfer" models have been mainly formed: first, the combination mode of new and old mortgages, that is, through the seamless connection of borrowing new loans and repaying old loans, "mortgage transfer" is realized; The second is the segmented mode of new and old mortgage rights, that is, by borrowing new loans and repaying old loans after transfer, "transfer with mortgage" is realized; The third is to realize "transfer with mortgage" through the change of mortgage rights.

The Notice requires that all localities determine appropriate handling modes in light of local realities, and continuously enrich and develop them in light of practice. In particular, buyers and sellers involved in the business of different lenders are encouraged to actively introduce advance notice registration and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties and ensure financial security through the advance notice registration system. In addition, when buyers and sellers are involved in the business of different lenders, all localities are encouraged to actively introduce advance notice registration, and through the advance notice registration system, prevent risks such as "one room, two sales" and mortgage suspension.

The Notice also emphasizes that it is necessary to establish a smooth communication and coordination mechanism, strengthen business guidance and supervision, sort out risk points in each link, formulate emergency response plans, and effectively prevent risks by issuing samples of tripartite (four-party) agreements, risk warnings, business early warnings, etc. It is necessary to refine business processes, strengthen business training, do a good job in publicity and guidance, and encourage the enterprise public to actively choose "transfer with escort" services.

"The implementation of the policy of 'transfer with charge' for second-hand housing is conducive to increasing the activity of second-hand housing transactions." Chen Wenjing said, "The transaction method with mortgage transfer can reduce transaction costs to a certain extent, reduce transaction risks, simplify the second-hand housing transaction process, shorten the transaction cycle, activate the second-hand housing trading market, and promote the accelerated release of demand for house replacement, thereby further forming a certain support for the new housing market." The further promotion and expansion of the second-hand housing 'mortgage transfer' policy may have a positive impact on the current real estate market. ”

It is worth mentioning that on March 3, the Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China, the Beijing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission, and the Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission jointly issued the Notice on Promoting the Work Related to the "Transfer with Charge" of Individual Stock Housing Transactions, which clearly stipulates that both parties to the housing transaction can register the transfer of housing ownership without the original mortgage right being released, effectively overcoming the problems of high transaction costs, long time and complex processes under the traditional method, and effectively improving the city's residential housing transactions. Registration and level of financial services.