, March 3 (Zhongxin Financial Reporter Zuo Yukun) Since ChatGPT stirred up a pool of spring water, various multi-modal, large models and other related technologies have continued to emerge in recent days, which has also made "how artificial intelligence leads the new industrial revolution" once again attracted widespread attention.

On March 3, at the 25 Annual Conference of the China Development High-level Forum, a number of industry insiders discussed this hot topic.

Xue Lan, Dean of Schwarzman College at Tsinghua University, spoke at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the China Development High-Level Forum. Photo courtesy of the organizer

"The fourth industrial revolution involves all aspects of technology, and everyone has been discussing whether artificial intelligence is the core of it, and it can now be deservedly said that artificial intelligence is the leading technology." Xue Lan, dean of Schwarzman College at Tsinghua University, believes that ChatGPT is an important node that has truly achieved a key technological breakthrough.

However, Xue Lan mentioned that many digital technology breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence have spread very quickly at the beginning, such as ChatGPT has been used by hundreds of millions of people in a month after its launch, and the development process has been greatly compressed, and it may be difficult to analyze potential risks in a short period of time.

In his view, such artificial intelligence technology needs to consider four risks: first, technical, limited transparency, poor explainability, insufficient technical stability, and may contain potential biases; The second is economic, including the risk of monopoly, the impact on employment and profit distribution, etc.; The third is social risks, such as academic integrity; Finally, there are political risks, underlying values, ideologies, etc., which need to consider their specific impact on society.

This brings us to the governance of artificial intelligence. Xue Lan believes that it is necessary to adhere to "two wheels of synchronous advancement", one is the wheel of development and the other is the wheel of regulation. Strive to continuously guide and promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology in the process of development.

Zeng Yi, director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Governance at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, spoke at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the China Development High-level Forum. Photo courtesy of the organizer

"The governance of artificial intelligence is definitely not to restrict the development of artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence without governance will grow wildly." Zeng Yi, director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Governance at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that what society needs is artificial intelligence that can be robust, healthy and sustainable, which is the purpose of global AI governance.

Zeng Yi introduced that after four to five years of exploration, China's artificial intelligence development has initially established its own system, and balanced development and governance from data, algorithms, platforms and applications. In terms of ethical governance principles, soft constraints are carried out under the guidance of the overall development plan; In terms of standards and norms, in-depth technical integration has begun, but the bottom line is still law.

Looking ahead, Xue believes that we should remain optimistic to embrace ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence technologies. "After so many years of development, technological progress is an important driving force, and human society has benefited immensely, and I think artificial intelligence is the same."

"The development of Chinese intelligence is to empower global sustainable development as an enabling technology, so we are also talking about development in the vision of governance." Zeng Yi also mentioned that in addition to the fields of health and education, how artificial intelligence can empower biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation is also a topic that the world should pay more attention to.

He said that the current artificial intelligence is only a tool that seems to be intelligent information processing, but as mentioned in Japan's artificial intelligence principles, the future artificial intelligence may become an associate member or member of society.

"What do we want the future of artificial intelligence to look like? If one day it really becomes a member of society, a moral subject, we hope that it will not only absorb the essence from Chinese culture and become a gentleman, but also hope that it will learn to be a gentleman from British culture. Zeng Yi said that in the future of artificial intelligence, we hope that he will absorb the essence of human culture and values. (End)