【Commentary】With the popularity of live streaming goods, more and more consumers have begun to buy goods through live streaming platforms. However, in the process of live streaming goods, there are also many anchors who "flicker" and marketing "routines", which pose a threat to the rights and interests of consumers.

According to data released by the State Administration for Market Regulation, online shopping appeals will increase by 2022.56% year-on-year in 38, of which 22,09 live streaming appeals, a year-on-year increase of 1.15 times, an increase of 2020.5 times over 01, and problems such as "three no" products, shoddy charging, and false publicity continue.

【Subtitle】In the live shopping, what "pits" or "routines" have you encountered?

【During the same period】Beijing people

Maybe the kind of product displayed during the live broadcast seems to work well, but the actual hand may be much worse than the publicity, and there is false propaganda and exaggerated propaganda.

【During the same period】Beijing people

I met a person who sold "weight loss foot soak pills", which may have been an IQ tax, but it was particularly magical when it was advertised at that time, but I bought it back and soaked it a few times and found that it was ordinary and had no effect.

【During the same period】Beijing people

The goods (quality) of the goods bought are uneven, and there is this shoddy behavior. My personal words are that I like to buy that kind of bracelet and the like, and then once the anchor gave me a live broadcast to select the bracelet, and the ones I showed me may be very good-looking, but when I received the goods, a few of them were cracked or relatively damaged.

【During the same period】Beijing people

Let's say you want to buy something, and then he starts "going to be linked, don't buy anymore", this kind of hunger marketing.

【During the same period】Beijing people

For example, "add another bag", "buy today and get another bag", but maybe in fact the price itself is to buy 7 bags, but he will give you 3 bags at the beginning, and then say that we gave 4 bags today.

With the emergence of various "cloud consumption" models such as live streaming and related demands, Guo Xiaoming, a lawyer at Shanghai Zhonglian (Chengdu) Law Firm, said that problems such as shoddy charging, false publicity, and unguaranteed after-sales in live streaming are more common.

【During the same period】Guo Xiaoming, lawyer of Shanghai Zhonglian (Chengdu) Law Firm

When consumers face live streaming goods, they are prone to encounter many problems, such as buying fake and shoddy products, spending more money when encountering low-price promotion traps, difficulty in returning and replacing goods with product quality problems, and difficulty in protecting rights in case of property damage and personal injury.

False publicity, low-price temptation, suspected violation of the provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, fraud in sales activities, consumers can demand one refund and three compensation according to law. Counterfeit and inferior products, wrong goods, or even the sale of toxic and harmful products, suspected of violating the provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, the Product Quality Law and even the Criminal Law, etc., may be investigated and handled by the market supervision department, and criminal responsibility may also be investigated if the circumstances are serious, and consumers may demand compensation if they cause personal or property damage to consumers.

【Commentary】In response to the problems existing in live streaming goods, the lawyer said that when consumers' rights and interests are infringed, they can protect their rights and interests through various channels such as trading platforms, consumer associations, and market supervision departments, and at the same time, pay attention to retaining relevant evidence when shopping, and protect their rights through legal means when necessary.

【During the same period】Guo Xiaoming, lawyer of Shanghai Zhonglian (Chengdu) Law Firm

If the platform and the merchant do not respond to consumers' demands, consumers can report to the consumer association and other organizations, request intervention in mediation, or report to the market supervision department, or directly file a lawsuit with the people's court. Consumers should usually pay attention to screening, do not easily buy goods with unreasonable price, quality and effect, do not believe that pies will fall from the sky, pay attention to saving relevant vouchers when shopping, and protect rights through legal means when necessary. The protection of consumer rights and interests also requires the attention, supervision and practice of the whole society.

Dong Yufei reported from Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Ji Xiang]