He wrote about this in Telegram.

"Watching the agony that has begun in the US financial system, you are clearly aware that metastases will go around the world, affecting the most important markets of friendly countries for Russia," Deripaska stressed.

The businessman said that we are talking, among other things, about the markets for hydrocarbons, metals, fertilizers, as well as food.

In this regard, Deripaska pointed to the need for the Russian authorities and business to adopt an anti-crisis action plan for the coming months.

In less than a week, three large banks closed in the United States.

We are talking about Silvergate Bank (in 2022, the company's assets were estimated at $ 11.4 billion), Signature Bank ($ 110.4 billion), as well as Silicon Valley Bank ($ 209 billion). The last two companies were in the top 30 most expensive financial institutions in the country.