The world economic situation is complex and changeable, but the Chinese economy has always maintained strong resilience and attractiveness.

In 2022, China's absorption of foreign capital will continue to maintain a steady growth, and the actual use of foreign capital in RMB will exceed 1.2 trillion yuan for the first time, a year-on-year increase of 6.3%, and the scale of foreign investment will remain at the forefront of the world.

  Why are foreign companies willing to continue investing in China?

How do multinational companies view the present and future of the Chinese market?

What they think and say is one of the important windows to observe China's economy.

  Recently, under the guidance of the Internet Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, the Internet Media Office of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and China News Network hosted the "New Era, New Opportunities - Multinational Enterprises in China" online theme promotion media group came to Shanghai and interviewed Johnson & Johnson, United Senior executives of world-class companies such as Hua, Medtronic, AT&S, Porsche, L'Oreal, and Legoland have been deeply involved in the Chinese market for many years.

Let's see what they think.