[Explanation] Recently, the intelligent chat robot ChatGPT has become popular all over the Internet and caused heated discussions among the public. The reporter interviewed many people in the artificial intelligence industry to understand the industry's views on ChatGPT and its impact.

  [Explanation] The full name of ChatGPT is Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. Its essence is a large-scale language model based on the GPT-3.5 architecture. In interviews, people in the industry said that the popularity of ChatGPT cannot be separated from its extremely high quality.

  [Concurrent] Liu Quan, CTO of Weizhi Technology

  In fact, I think that for the AI ​​​​(artificial intelligence) academic community, there is still a general consensus among us that there are no significant innovations in some of the underlying principles of ChatGPT itself.

In essence, this type of model is a statistical language model, so the core and most essential technical principle is to predict the distribution of the corresponding probability of the next word appearing in a text sequence or a word sequence .

In fact, their pre-trained large model, whether it is the magnitude of the training parameters or the magnitude of the training samples, is actually very large, compared with a deep learning model in our traditional cognition. to be many orders of magnitude larger.

Take this ChatGPT training sample as an example, it basically corresponds to hundreds of billions of words.

  [Explanation] Industry insiders said that ChatGPT's "out of the circle" has exceeded the industry's expectations to a certain extent. The difficulty of its research and development does not lie in technology, but in financial and hardware support.

  [Concurrent] Daguan Data CEO Chen Yunwen

  In fact, we are all very familiar with and understand the technical direction of this road, but everyone in the industry thought this road was a very rough and difficult road that might not work.

Because they need to invest huge funds and huge computing power, and the effect may not necessarily be good.

So in the past, no one was willing to take this road.

Only a company like OpenAI has invested a huge amount of power, huge funds, and huge investment in the past five years.

Then today it was suddenly surprised to find that this way has worked, and the effect is so good, this is beyond imagination.

  [Explanation] Industry insiders analyzed that with the emergence of ChatGPT, companies represented by search engines will face huge challenges.

  [Concurrent] Daguan Data CEO Chen Yunwen

  These technologies of OpenAI today actually help you summarize and analyze massive documents and web pages, so this is fatal to search engines, why?

Because search engines rely on clicks to make money, but if there is an intelligent system in the future, it does not require you to go in and read one by one, then there will be no clicks, and that is for the business model of search engines Yes it will have a big impact.

So why is this matter so important to Google or Baidu.

One reason why they must seize the commanding heights of technology, otherwise its commercial foundation will be shaken.

  [Explanation] Industry insiders said that as the large language model represented by ChatGPT continues to mature, in addition to having an important impact on the research of the artificial intelligence industry, industries such as integrated circuits and biomedicine may usher in technological innovation.

But for ordinary people, there is no need to worry too much about the so-called "artificial intelligence replacing humans". At present, a large number of artificial intelligence technologies have been applied in the industrial and commercial fields, and learning and applying artificial intelligence technologies to assist individuals in their work will be the general trend in the future.

  [Concurrent] Yan Junchi, Special Researcher, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University

  I think it's a very open question.

In the future, everyone may have more or less contact with or understand these AI (artificial intelligence) technologies, at least they will know how to get familiar with this tool so that it can serve your daily work, just like computer language may become a foreign language Similarly, everyone has to master it, and even apply it in a more in-depth manner.

So I think that apart from your anxiety, you can take the initiative to embrace these technologies and learn them. I think this is also pretty good.

  Zhou Sun Yupufan Xie Mengyuan reports from Shanghai

Responsible editor: [Ye Pan]