For a horizontal organizational culture, Samsung Electronics has decided to expand the scope of 'horizontal titles', which had been applied only between employees, to executives and executives.

Samsung Electronics announced this policy today (the 1st) and presented specific guidelines.

Accordingly, from now on, even executives will use horizontal titles, and management will use horizontal titles in town hall meetings, meetings, and executive meetings.

As before, titles using titles or ranks are prohibited.

Instead of calling them 'boss' or 'sangmu-nim', call them by adding 'nim' to their English names, initials, or Korean names.

To this end, Samsung Electronics requires employees to announce their preferred initials or nicknames internally.

Previously, at an employee communication event in April of last year, Vice Chairman Han Jong-hee said, "Organizational culture is based on a horizontal culture, and mutual respect is the basis of a horizontal culture." Please call me ‘Jonghee’s English initials’.”

In 2016, Samsung Electronics announced a plan to reorganize the personnel system, with the main focus being on horizontal titles among employees.

Since then, 'Nim' has been used as a common title among employees, but within the department, horizontal titles such as 'Nim', 'Pro', or English names have been used autonomously depending on the nature of the work.