It has been shown that the number of traffic accidents increases by nearly 20% on snowy days.

In particular, it was analyzed that sliding accidents occurred intensively between 7:00 am and 10:00 am.

Today, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance’s Traffic Safety Culture Research Institute conducted a linkage analysis of meteorological data from December 2019 to February of last year and traffic accidents reported to insurance companies. compared to 17.6%.

Nationally, the amount of traffic accident damages on snowy days averaged 31.18 billion won per day, 28.5% more than the 24.26 billion won on days without snow.

An average of 7,700 slippery traffic accidents occurred annually in winter, and 32.5% of them occurred on black ice sections where thin ice was frozen on the roads.

It was found that the amount of damage per sliding accident in winter was 1.8 times higher than that of general accidents.

In winter, slip and slide accidents often occur between 7:00 and 10:00 a.m., and 31.8% of all slip and slide accidents were concentrated.

Lee Seong-ryeol, senior researcher at the Samsung Transportation Safety Culture Research Institute, said, “To prevent slippery traffic accidents in winter, drivers must reduce their driving speed and observe safe driving rules such as securing a safe distance, strengthening their eyesight, and using snow tires.”

If your vehicle skids on an icy road, you should refrain from making sharp steering maneuvers.

The researcher advised that the vehicle should be stopped by pressing the brake briefly while operating the steering wheel gently.

(Photo = Yonhap News)