To save energy at home, there are very simple measures to implement, which we present to you in this article.

These actions will be good for both your wallet and the environment.

Our advice to reduce your gas, water and electricity consumption

  • Insulation of doors and windows

Before turning on the heating, make sure that there is no heat loss in your home.

Indeed, it is important that the heat produced is conserved so that the boiler can rest (and thus consume less) when the comfort temperature of the room is reached.

  • Clean the radiators

While it's common for some people to use the heat from the radiator for other tasks (like drying clothes), it detracts from its primary purpose of heating the room.

Make sure nothing is blocking the heat output of the radiators.

  • Turn the taps to the cold water position.

Sometimes we don't need hot water, but having the tap in this position automatically activates the heating every time we turn it on.

Even if it is not turned on for a long time, each time the heater starts, it generates gas consumption.

By setting the taps to the cold water position, the heating will only come on when you really need it.

  • Close taps when not in use

It seems obvious, but this action is not always part of our daily habits.

Turning off the tap when washing your hands or teeth can save water and reduce your monthly bills.

  • Installation of water flow restrictors on faucets

They are inexpensive and simple to install, as they screw onto the taps themselves and reduce water consumption by up to 50%.

  • Do not thaw food under the tap.

If you take them out of the freezer in time or thaw them in the microwave, you won't waste water and the result will be the same.

  • Take a shower instead of a bath

For a shower, we consume between 30 and 80 liters of water, while to fill a bathtub, we need between 200 and 300 liters.

The CEE, Energy Saving Certificate, a State system to encourage you to reduce your energy consumption

Energy Savings Certificates (CEE) appeared in 2005. Also called “energy bonus”, this is a renovation aid scheme.

It is added to and can even be combined with the tax credit for energy transition, the zero-rate eco-loan or the 5.5% rate.

Its objective is to encourage you to carry out energy renovation work in order to reduce CO2 emissions and help you save energy.

You agree to carry out energy renovation work, and in exchange, you receive your CEE bonus.

85% of heat loss occurs through the walls of your home.

Thus, the works concerned by this system are: the insulation of attics, roofs, walls and low floors.

Minimum thermal resistance thresholds are required.

The objective is to improve the energy performance of your home.

With the generalization of telework, how to save energy?

If you are one of the people who practice teleworking, you have probably already become aware of certain disadvantages.

In particular, you will have noticed that your usual energy expenditure has increased.

To remedy this, we have some tips:

  • Take advantage of natural light

Electricity must be used wisely if you want to save as much energy as possible.

Just avoid working at night as much as possible.

In addition, choose a well-lit room in your home to make it your telework station.

  • Turn off appliances when not in use

Even if they don't consume as much energy as when you use them, a sleeping computer or smartphone has a slight consumption.

It is strongly recommended that you turn them off at the end of your teleworking day to save energy.

A tip to make this operation easier: remember to plug them all into the same power strip, so that you can turn them all off in a single operation.

  • Close unused apps

If you're working on a laptop, having a lot of apps or software open will cause it to consume power faster, which isn't good.

Therefore, we recommend that you keep open only the windows strictly necessary to fulfill your professional obligations.

Also, you should avoid leaving your laptop plugged in when it's charged.

It is advisable to charge it only when necessary.


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  • Eco tips

  • Economy

  • Energy savings

  • Telework

  • Energy

  • Energy sobriety

  • energy crisis