The great activity in fiscal matters of the Government has not only left the recent creation of the new tax on banking and electricity, the figure on single-use plastic containers or the so-called tax on the rich.

With the start of the year, another tax has also been implemented: the one that is already being applied to waste deposits in landfills, undoubtedly much less well-known than the rest and from which, in fact,

it is not even known how much it will collect


Or rather, not even

The Treasury knows this, since in the Ministry they affirm that they do not have an estimate of what their contribution will be.

The deposit tax is a ceded figure, he explains, that is, it is the communities that are applying it.

And, in some cases, it replaces the tribute that some of them already had while in others it is completely new.

For all these reasons, in the department of María Jesús Montero

They admit that they do not have a collection figure


This, however, clashes with a parliamentary response that a little over two years ago the Government gave to César Sánchez and Paloma Gázquez, both deputies from the Popular Party.

"The tax on the deposit of waste in landfills and the incineration of waste

has an expected annual collection of 861 million

", said the Executive on December 28, 2020. Now, on the other hand, that figure is no longer offered, hidden or unknown, despite the fact that it is one of the most fundamental aspects of a tax.

What at least you do know is that the taxable event is "

delivery of waste, for disposal

, in authorized landfills located in Spanish territory, both publicly and privately owned", according to the Tax Agency. Payment is made at the time of delivery "of waste, for its elimination, in authorized landfills located in the Spanish territory, both publicly and privately owned", as well as in the "delivery of waste, for its disposal or energy recovery, in incineration or co-incineration facilities".

The usual thing, therefore, is that the fertilizer is made by a company that treats and transports this waste, but that does not mean that it will not reach the citizens.

In fact, it is normal for a company

in one way or another the taxes are passed on to the user

, as it has already been warned that it will happen with the figure on banking and electricity, and the figure on deposits will not be an exception at all.

What is left out of the tax, as the Tax Agency points out, are the clean points.

In that case, the department headed by Soledad Fernández makes it clear that the new figure will not be applied.

Packaging tax

The new tax on deposits is linked to the one that taxes single-use plastic containers, since both are part of the green taxation that the Government wants to promote.

In fact, in the aforementioned parliamentary question it was questioned by the two figures, since they were processed jointly.

So, the Government already pointed out that the figure

would raise 491 million

, and in this case the Treasury does maintain the figure.

This was collected, for example, in the Budgetary Plan that he sent to Brussels on October 15.

As for the rest of the new figures, the Government expects to collect

1,500 million with the Solidarity tax

to the Great Fortunes, the tax on the rich that has already unleashed a fiscal war between the communities governed by the PP and the Treasury.

The tribute to be paid by the banks, for their part, will contribute another 1,500 million, and the figure on electric companies will reach 2,000 million, according to the official estimate.

However, the Bank of Spain

already pointed out

that given the modification that was introduced during its processing, and by which the activities of the regulated market are excluded,

will leave the data in half

: 1,000 million in the year.

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