<Anchor> It

is a friendly economy time.

Today (16th), I will be with reporter Kwon Ae-ri.

Reporter Kwon Today, it's about car tax.

You pay car tax twice a year.

By the way, I heard that there is a system that reduces this if you pay it all at once?



It is from today (16th).

If you pay all the car tax you have to pay this year only within January from today to the end of this month, you will get a 7% tax cut from February to December.

If you look at the whole year, you get a discount effect of about 6.4 %. 

If it's a new car with an engine displacement of 2,000 cc, then the annual car tax would be around 520,000 won.

If you pay it all within January, you will receive a discount of 33,300 won.

It's money that you can order one more meal with your family, even if it's Bossam.

Not a lot.

Car tax is based on engine displacement and model year, so if you have a bigger car, the discount money will be bigger.

In particular, the car tax includes the money plus the 30% education tax.

If you get a discount on car tax, education tax will also be reduced.

If you miss this period and pay later, it is a waste of money.

Electric cars, which only pay 130,000 won per year in tax, have the same discount benefits.

If you pay in January, another 8,300 won is reduced.

This is a policy that has been implemented for a long time in the sense of paying taxes quickly and not overdue. Just looking at Seoul, about 6 out of 10 drivers still don't know if there is such a system.

A lot of people I know forget about it and pass by.

In fact, last year, after January passed, I felt sorry for myself.

Moreover, this benefit has been being reduced over the years.

Next year, the tax savings will be further reduced.

After 2025, the tax savings will be negligible.

It's also unfortunate that benefits for diligent taxpayers are being reduced, but we should take care of them while we have them.

Don't forget to apply today.


It is sad to hear that the benefits are decreasing.

But, if there are people who have plans to change their car or scrap their car this year, there are people.

What should such people do?

Do you have to pay it all at once?

How is it?


You can also pay for such people.

In that case, the number of years I owned the car for this year is calculated as the date, and the tax already paid is refunded.

It is the same whether it is sold as a used car or scrapped.

You do not need to separately apply for a refund of the extra tax you paid.

The notice comes the month after you get rid of the car.

Just wait for that notice and get your refund.

And the car tax is paid to the local government.

Even if you move to another municipality, you don't have to worry about it either. 

If you have already paid all your taxes this year, it will be linked automatically.


I think there are quite a few people who heard today's story and said that they should pay today.

How can I do it? 


You can apply through an app called Witax.

You can also access it with a PC.

There is STAX, a separate app for Seoul citizens only.

If you enter Witax now, it will be floating right away asking you to 'apply for annual payment of car tax', so you will find it easily.

You can apply from today.

If you are not good at applying online, you can apply by calling the district office or county tax department.

A text message will come after the call.

This is a text message I received after applying for it, so it's not phishing.

You can apply according to the text message.

In the case of Seoul, you can just call 120 Dasan Call without having to find out the phone number and ask to be connected to the tax department of the district office where your car is registered.

Those of you who paid everything in January of last year already know that.

Notice should have already come.

This year, you can pay within this month without forgetting.

If you pay in advance, there is another opportunity in March to reduce the car tax.

However, the savings margin is getting smaller and smaller, so it is beneficial to pay this unconditionally now.