BEIJING, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) -- The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the 13th.

Lian Weiliang, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at the meeting that since last year, the global energy supply has been tight and prices have risen sharply, so the pressure on my country's energy supply has increased significantly.

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, our country has introduced a series of powerful and orderly countermeasures, and achieved remarkable results in ensuring the supply and price of energy.

my country's energy security, stable and reliable supply is guaranteed.

The reason why it is guaranteed is mainly reflected in five aspects, specifically, "five haves": first, there is room for increasing production and supply; second, there is a long-term agreement for purchased resources; third, there are reserves for important varieties; There are policies, and fifth, there is a mechanism for emergency supply guarantees.

  First, there is room for increasing production and supply.

Coal is our basic energy source. In recent years, we have increased the production capacity of advanced coal by suppressing the small, increasing the superior and eliminating the inferior.

The power supply capacity has steadily increased. Now our country's total installed capacity of various types of power generation has reached 2.6 billion kilowatts, and oil and gas storage and production have continued to increase. Now our crude oil production capacity has increased to more than 200 million tons per year, and our natural gas production capacity has increased to 220 billion cubic meters per year. meters or more.

  Second, resource outsourcing has a long-term association.

Everyone is very concerned. my country's energy supply, especially crude oil and natural gas, has a certain proportion of imports. Will this part be affected by the international market?

Here we need to explain to everyone that the spot part will be affected, but the long-term association part is relatively stable.

We follow international practices and market rules, and mainly lock in imported resources through long-term agreements, such as our natural gas. Most of the imported natural gas is guaranteed through long-term agreements, which can effectively control and prevent the risks of supply and demand shortages and large price fluctuations.

  Third, there are reserves of important varieties.

In recent years, the investment in reserve capacity building has been greatly increased.

Now our natural gas storage capacity has exceeded 32 billion cubic meters. Before the heating season, we have fully stored the required reserves. Now that the heating season is halfway through, the gas storage still has a usable gas storage capacity of 20 billion cubic meters.

Coal currently has about 50 million tons of government-dispatchable reserves. The coal storage of power plants that everyone is concerned about is currently stable at a high level of about 175 million tons, and the usable days have reached 22 days, which can effectively meet the needs of peak shaving.

  Fourth, there are policies to stabilize prices.

The stability of energy prices is of great significance to ensuring people's livelihood and the smooth operation of the economy. The coal price formation mechanism has been further improved, and the price of thermal coal is operating within a reasonable range.

The market-oriented reform of coal power on-grid electricity prices has been steadily advanced, and the transmission mechanism of coal and electricity prices has been gradually improved.

Residential electricity and gas are strictly priced by the government, and prices remain stable.

  Fifth, there is a mechanism for emergency supply guarantee.

Make overall plans for mutual assistance and mutual protection of various energy types such as coal, natural gas, electricity, and refined oil, and the ability to guarantee peak energy supply has steadily improved.

The demand-side load management plan has been further improved, and we will resolutely ensure that there is no electricity limit or gas limit in non-extreme situations, and that the power limit will not be opened and the gas limit will not be closed in extreme cases, so as to firmly guard the bottom line of energy consumption for people's livelihood.

(China New Finance and Economics)

