The consumer price index for last month and November, which looks at the price movements of goods and services consumed at home, rose 3.7% from the same month last year, excluding fresh food, which fluctuates greatly depending on the weather.

The 3.7% rate of increase is the first level in 40 years and 11 months since December 1981.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the consumer price index excluding fresh food rose from 100.1 in November last year to 103.8 last month and November.

The rate of increase was 3.7%, the first level in 40 years and 11 months since December 1981, when the effects of the second oil shock continued.

The main factors were the rise in raw material prices and the successive price hikes of food items due to the impact of the weak yen.


35% for “edible oil”, 18% for “potato chips”, 17.9% for “hamburgers” at restaurants, 14.5% for “bread”, 11.6% for “fried chicken”, and 11.6% for domestic “pork” 8.5%, respectively.

In addition, "milk", which saw a series of price increases last month, rose by 9.5%.

Looking at energy, ▽ "Gas" increased by 21%, "Electricity" increased by 20.1%, while ▽ "Gasoline" decreased by 1% for the first time in 1 year and 9 months.

In addition, the price of "furniture/household goods" increased by 7.3%, and "shirts/sweaters/underwear" increased by 3.1%.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said, ``There will be a series of price increases for food and other items in February next year, and it seems that there will be a mountain of price revisions as in October this year.We will continue to pay close attention to trends in food and energy prices. was talking