China News Service, December 23 (Zhang Dongfang) Do you like "Guess you like" on social platforms?

Does "face brushing" save you a lot of trouble?

Did you know that autonomous driving has freed human hands?

Artificial intelligence, a seemingly unfathomable technology, has actually been integrated into our daily life.

  When we are amazed at the more convenient life brought by artificial intelligence, we are also full of vigilance about the prospect of artificial intelligence.

Has its development opened a new Pandora's box?

How can humans ensure that artificial intelligence is always used for me?

  On the 21st, a reporter from invited Zhang Hongjiang, a foreign academician of the National Academy of Engineering and chairman of Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, to interpret the current hot topics in the field of artificial intelligence.

Data map: Zhang Hongjiang.

Photo provided by the interviewee

Will scientists lose their jobs in the age of artificial intelligence?

  In the future, AI may be able to publish papers with humans. Yolanda Gill, former president of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence, recently proposed another possibility for the development of artificial intelligence.

So, will researchers be challenged?

How should related intellectual property rights be defined?

  In this regard, Zhang Hongjiang said that today's artificial intelligence is very close to or even surpasses human beings in many aspects, but it actually needs long-term exploration to make it able to contribute to the papers of scientific researchers. However, this scenario Very likely in the not-too-distant future.

  Zhang Hongjiang pointed out that in some fields, especially design-related fields, such as the design of certain medicines and materials, artificial intelligence has shown superior capabilities, and the things it designs surpass human design capabilities.

He further cited the example of the famous Korean player Lee Sedol playing AlphaGo (AlphaGo), saying that humans cannot see the way of AI clearly, and this kind of scene will also appear in the field of scientific research.

  "The continuous development of artificial intelligence will inevitably bring challenges to ordinary scientific researchers, and many human functions will be replaced." Zhang Hongjiang said.

Therefore, this requires scientific researchers, and even human beings as a whole, to be more creative, continuously improve interdisciplinary capabilities, and cultivate interdisciplinary talents.

"But people don't need to be pessimistic and feel that human beings lose their value. Humans will always be the masters of machines, so we don't have to worry about it."

  He believes that in the future, more and more machines will direct people to conduct experiments and research under the framework of human design.

Regarding the issue of intellectual property rights, Zhang Hongjiang said that this issue is not complicated. Whoever owns the algorithm owns the corresponding intellectual property rights. It is possible to tax the robot head or the value it creates.

How is artificial intelligence shaping the metaverse?

  Interacting with friends in the virtual space, spending money to buy items for another "self", things that you have never experienced in real life, may be possible in the "Second Life" of the Metaverse, and the Metaverse is becoming a reality. The main battlefield of artificial intelligence.

On September 1, at the "AI Metaverse" 2022 World Artificial Intelligence Conference held in Shanghai, the future vision of the "AI Metaverse" attracted attention.

Photo by Tang Yanjun

  How is artificial intelligence shaping the metaverse?

Zhang Hongjiang believes that from the perspective of virtual humans, artificial intelligence is an indispensable technology in designing and driving virtual humans.

  He said that in the metaverse, if hardware such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are aside, the core is "digital human".

Artificial intelligence will become the core technology driving the "digital human", including expressions, language drivers, etc.

  He believes that there may be virtual humans in the Metaverse that far exceed the population of the real world, and they will no longer be controlled by physical humans, but by virtual humans driven by artificial intelligence technology.

  For example, Zhang Hongjiang said that in the game, when the two camps compete, each character is controlled by a real player, but in the Metaverse, these characters will be replaced by virtual people, and a virtual person may even command a group of virtual people.

  "This virtual human itself has its own intelligent natural engine. It knows how to use this engine and how to respond in the virtual world. Synthesizing expressions and conducting dialogue are only one aspect of it."

  "In the metaverse, it will be very interesting to use AI to drive the behavior of the entire virtual human." Zhang Hongjiang said.

Will artificial intelligence give more "emotional rewards" than family members?

  Science fiction writer Hao Jingfang once said that not everyone wants a robot, but convenience and comfort are what everyone wants. Therefore, every link in a whole room can be adjusted according to people's needs and behaviors to form an embrace , so she predicted that the "emotional reward" given by AI in the future may exceed that of family members.

On November 5, the Fifth China International Import Expo was held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai).

In the artificial intelligence experience area of ​​the technical equipment exhibition area, visitors watch robots play football.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Yin Liqin

  In Zhang Hongjiang's view, in some respects, such as in imparting knowledge and skills to children, it is entirely possible for AI to surpass parents, but overall, it is impossible for AI to surpass family members in terms of feelings.

  He further pointed out that today AI technology is widely used in various fields, especially in games and other scenarios. It can indeed capture a certain aspect of user needs. In this regard, the emotional rewards it brings to people are beyond family members. But this is like a toy, which can bring children more emotional comfort than family members at a certain moment.

  He said that many human emotions lie in subtleties, and the subtleties that artificial intelligence can currently achieve are very uneven.

In painting, for example, some techniques are far more detailed than humans, even approaching photographs, while others are very crude.

  He believes that, just like human evolution, AI algorithms also need long-term evolution and evolution in order to be similar to human emotions in subtle ways.

As far as it is currently, it is impossible for AI to do it.

  Will the development of AI "get out of control"?

Zhang Hongjiang also said that human factors largely play a decisive role.

At present, there are many discussions and researches on AI ethics, security, fairness, etc. in the academic circle. The purpose is to take potential problems into consideration in the design process to ensure that the technology can always develop in a direction that is beneficial to human well-being.

Which research in the field of artificial intelligence has the most potential?

  In the past two years, the research enthusiasm for pre-training models has not diminished, and the emergence of GPT-3 has pushed the research in this field to a climax again.

GPT-3 is a natural language and large model developed by OpenAI in the United States. Its purpose is to use deep learning to generate natural language that humans can understand.

  Zhang Hongjiang believes that whether it is a language model, a cross-modal model, or text and image generation, the performance of GPT is astounding, but there is still a long way to go. The research on large models represented by GPT will become an important part of artificial intelligence. A very promising research direction in the field in the next few years.

  In his view, large-scale model research has very broad application prospects.

As far as the design industry is concerned, including the design of graphics, advertisements, animations, etc., creators only need to create some key tasks, and the remaining tasks are assisted by artificial intelligence.

He said that there are many things worth studying, and the large model is a turning point in the AI ​​industry, which will definitely bring about a series of changes in related industries.

  In addition, he also pointed out that the use of AI to drive scientific research, such as material design, pharmaceutical research and development, also has great potential and broad application prospects, and will also become a research focus in the field of artificial intelligence in the future.

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