Ultra-long pre-sale cannot become a wild horse

  "Double 12" is almost here, but the products ordered on "Double 11" have not yet been received... Recently, some consumers have discovered that the things they bought are not stuck on the road, but the merchants have not delivered the goods at all.

The crux of the problem turned out to be the ultra-long pre-sale system.

  The product pre-sale system is a model in which consumers pay in advance before the product goes on the market, and merchants start production and delivery after the pre-sale reaches a certain amount.

Previously, this practice was limited to some products with complex craftsmanship, but in recent years, e-commerce platforms have launched pre-sale promotions one after another, and shopping disputes and complaints due to the ultra-long cycle are not uncommon.

  The pre-sale model has quietly changed.

Every online shopping festival, some merchants will deliberately delay the delivery time under the guise of the pre-sale period, or even change the delivery date at will, resulting in greater uncertainty in the delivery date of consumers, and some products may even be delayed. As long as one month, it seriously affects the consumer experience.

  Merchants set a long pre-sale period, which has nothing to do with their own interests.

In this way, merchants invisibly pass on the inventory cost and time cost of goods to consumers.

As a result, the operating costs of businesses are greatly reduced, but the vital interests of consumers have been significantly affected.

  In recent years, ultra-long pre-sales have spread greatly. One of the reasons is that the punishment is small and the cost of business breaches is low.

In terms of infringing on consumers’ interests, some merchants have no fear, and even play tricks on purpose. They do not mark the word "pre-sale" in the product display. Consumers can only see the delivery date after paying, and some merchants even change the delivery date at will.

  It needs to be noted that due to the epidemic and other reasons, express logistics delays, delayed delivery of goods, and super-long pre-sales are not the same thing and should not be confused.

Merchants often adopt super-long pre-sales, which is suspected of breaking the law.

The E-Commerce Law clearly stipulates that operators shall deliver goods or services to consumers in accordance with their promises or the method and time limit agreed with consumers.

Without the consent of consumers, merchants unilaterally modify the delivery date and cancel orders without reason, which not only violates the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, but also has a negative impact on the Internet shopping ecology.

  At present, some platforms have taken some effective measures. E-commerce platforms can also explore the establishment of an infringement warning mechanism, monitor the bad behavior of ultra-long pre-sale merchants through technical means, and further smooth the complaint channel.

For consumers, when encountering promotional activities such as pre-sales and advance deposits, carefully confirm the product delivery cycle, and communicate to find out whether the product is in the pre-sale period before paying the deposit. Unreasonable long pre-sale overlord terms cannot be accepted. Swallow your breath.

Guo Cunju