Barthélémy Philippe 8:54 a.m., September 30, 2022

While energy sobriety will be one of the concerns of the approaching winter, the energy giants are encouraging their customers to consume less.

Daily challenges with key savings for some, specific rates for others, each has its own method of encouraging consumers to be vigilant.

TotalEnergies, Engie, EDF… In view of a winter that promises to be tense on the electricity network, the energy giants are encouraging their customers to play the game of energy sobriety in exchange for discounts on bills.

It was TotalEnergies which drew the first with the launch of a bonus for its customers who will limit their electricity consumption between the beginning of November and the end of March 2023. "Subscribers who reduce their consumption by 5% compared to winter previous will be entitled to a bonus of 30 euros. Those who push the effort up to 10% will receive 60 euros, and so on, up to 120 euros", explains Sophie Mouligneau, marketing director of TotalEnergies.


 Energy: how each household can reduce its consumption by 15%

Daily challenges and giveaways

For its part, Engie will use the weather and the forecast state of the electricity network to launch daily challenges to its customers, from mid-October.

In the event of a black day forecast on the network, Engie will inform its voluntary subscribers by inviting them to reduce their electricity consumption by 10 to 20% compared to the previous weeks, on D-Day.

For each successful challenge, Engie promises its customers discounts of 5 to 10 euros.

At EDF, there is no need to innovate to prepare for this high-risk winter on the electricity network.

The public company offers customers who want it the Tempo offer, which already has 600,000 users.

The principle is simple.

Unlike conventional offers, the price of electricity varies depending on the day of the year.

300 days a year, Tempo subscribers benefit from an advantageous price, called the blue tariff.

The kilowatt hour only costs 15 euro cents.

On the other hand, between November 1 and March 31, there are also 22 red days when the price of the kilowatt hour reaches 60 euro cents, i.e. a multiplication by 4. Warned by SMS or email the day before, customers of the Tempo offer must drastically reduce their electricity consumption between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. at the risk of seeing their bills soar.