" Add

10% to your points!"

Now, Osaka Prefecture is cooperating with private business operators and is planning a demonstration experiment to add new points.

Clothes, vegetables and fruits, and even the use of railways...

Why are you trying to start an exceptional point service?

(Osaka-based broadcasting station reporter Daimu Shimizu)

add 10%

Kansai fashion lovers have visited one of the trendsetting places, "Minamihorie" in Nishi-ku, Osaka


If you buy old clothes, you will be able to add 10% points from November.

In the midst of various price increases, it would be helpful to have a 10% top-up, but...

"Is it profitable?"

When the reporter asked the person in charge of the apparel brand.

(Urban Research Senior Chief Hiroaki Miya)

"This time, we also participated in the demonstration experiment of promoting the decarbonization point system that Osaka Prefecture is working on."

A sense of ownership with points

This point addition is a demonstration experiment conducted under the subsidy of Osaka Prefecture.

Osaka Prefecture has set a goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the Osaka area to virtually zero by 2050.

In order to achieve the target, the prefectural government has continued to make various appeals, but so far it has been difficult to get people to take ownership.

(Tomonori Tamura, Counselor ,

Decarbonization and Energy Policy Division, Osaka Prefectural Government) I started this initiative because I thought that it was necessary to be accompanied by changes in


, and companies would change, and if companies changed, so would society.”


It was the point system that the government took notice of.

Six companies, including supermarkets and railway operators, will participate in the demonstration experiment.

It is a mechanism that adds points to products and services that lead to "decarbonization" that reduces carbon dioxide.

▼Buying faraway produce will increase carbon dioxide emissions, so buy local produce that requires less transportation distance ▼Refrain from using your own car


use public transportation such as trains

▼ Recycling clothes.

change attitudes and values

Why does buying used clothes and recycling clothes lead to "decarbonization"?

According to the Ministry of the Environment, about 25.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide is emitted when making one piece of clothing.

68% of discarded clothes are disposed of as combustible or non-combustible waste.

It is said that collecting and selling unnecessary clothes and recycling them will lead to reducing carbon dioxide.

In order to further change the sense of values, there is also such an initiative.

When I collect the clothes, I get a message card from the previous owner.

"It's still in a state where people can still wear it. I was worried that throwing it away would be a hassle. Thank you for your support



One of the real pleasures was chasing trends that change dramatically in the past, but it is said that consideration for the environment leads to new styles.

(Urban Research Senior Chief Yoshiaki Miya)

“Passing the baton on to the next person with a message may give new value to clothes. I want to continue

change with points?

our consciousness

Through this demonstration experiment, the prefecture plans to verify how much consumer behavior has changed due to the effect of points and whether carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced.

The term “decarbonization” may have a somewhat rigid impression on many people, but if we can become more conscious of purchasing goods and services one by one, our awareness will also change. It may change little by little.

Businesses participating in point demonstration experiments

In addition, the following companies will participate in the point demonstration experiment.

● Vegetables and fruits produced in the Kansai area at 3 stores of





Prefecture Targeting eco-friendly agricultural products in Osaka, which have a low environmental impact at stores ●Applicable

"power-saving multi-function air conditioners" at 6 stores of the

home appliance mass retailer "Kamishin Denki" in Osaka

●"JR West"

Encouraging the use of JR lines during excursions " AI Stamp Rally” was held.

When purchasing products at group stores, points can be earned for things such as refusing plastic shopping bags and plastic spoons and forks.