China News Service, Beijing, September 16th,

Question : How does the Chinese economy crack the "Achilles' heel"?

  Reporter Li Jinlei

  "my country's innovation capability is not strong, the overall level of scientific and technological development is not high, the ability of science and technology to support economic and social development is insufficient, and the contribution rate of science and technology to economic growth is far lower than that of developed countries. The heel of Sri Lanka'." On October 29, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping said at the second plenary meeting of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

  How to break the "Achilles' heel" and make China's economic "giant" grow steadily and far?

Over the past ten years, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's economic thought, China has implemented the innovation-driven development strategy in depth, continuously enhanced the function of innovation and development, and achieved "blooming results" in innovation and development.

Innovation is the first driving force for development

  Innovation ranks first among the five new development concepts.

Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to and encouraged innovation, creatively made a series of important judgments, and systematically deployed innovation work.

  "Innovative development focuses on solving the problem of development power" and "Innovation is the first driving force to lead development. To focus on innovation is to focus on development, and to seek innovation is to seek the future."

  At present, China's economic development environment has undergone changes, labor costs are gradually rising, the carrying capacity of resources and the environment has reached a bottleneck, the old combination of production functions has become unsustainable, and the importance of science and technology has increased in an all-round way.

  In particular, in recent years, due to the control of others in the fields of high-end chips and core components, some Chinese enterprises have been besieged and "stuck in the neck" overseas, which has caused the Chinese people to think hard and also warn of a reality: if technological innovation cannot be achieved, the development of It is impossible for the power to be converted, and China will be at a disadvantage in the global economic competition.

  Therefore, China's economy must put more emphasis on independent innovation, which is the only magic weapon to solve the "stuck neck" dilemma and win the future.

Make innovation a national policy

  "You can't always use other people's yesterday to dress up your own tomorrow. You can't always rely on the scientific and technological achievements of others to improve your own technological level, and you can't be the technological vassal of other countries, always following others' footsteps. We have no other The choice is to take the road of independent innovation.” Xi Jinping issued a warning: The key core technologies cannot be obtained, bought, or begged.

  The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of the Vision for 2035 proposes to adhere to the core position of innovation in the overall situation of my country's modernization drive, and to take scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement as the strategic support for national development.

This is at the top of every planning task.

  At the Scientist Symposium, Xi Jinping emphasized that in the face of fierce international competition, and in the context of rising unilateralism and protectionism, we must find an innovative path that suits our national conditions, and in particular, we must place more emphasis on improving our original innovation capabilities. position, and strive to achieve more "from 0 to 1" breakthroughs.

  During his inspection in Fujian, Xi Jinping emphasized that we must adhere to the core position of innovation in the overall situation of modernization, regard innovation as a national policy, and actively encourage and support innovation.

Innovation does not ask "origin", as long as whoever can contribute to the country will support whoever.

  At the World Economic Forum's "Davos Agenda" dialogue, Xi Jinping emphasized that China will increase investment in science and technology, pay close attention to the construction of an innovation system, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces, strengthen intellectual property protection, and promote the realization of innovation-driven connotation type growth.

  At the 27th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, Xi Jinping emphasized that a new type of nationwide system for tackling key and core technologies should be improved.

  What Xi Jinping constantly emphasizes is precisely the direction of China's innovation and development.

Innovation and development are "blooming and bearing fruit"

  Clarify the roadmap and timetable, press the accelerator button for innovation, and introduce a series of hard tricks aimed at promoting innovation——

  We will vigorously and orderly promote the "revelation and leadership" system and mechanism for innovation and tackling key issues, strengthen the connection between the innovation chain and the industrial chain, formulate an action plan for strengthening the country through science and technology, and fight the battle for key core technologies. The added value of sex emerging industries accounts for more than 17% of GDP...

  Investment in innovation has increased rapidly.

China's total R&D spending surpassed Japan in 2013, becoming the second largest R&D spending country in the world.

In 2021, research and experimental development (R&D) expenditures will be 2,795.6 billion yuan, 2.7 times that of 2012.

  According to a World Intellectual Property Organization report, China's ranking in the Global Innovation Index jumped from 34th in 2012 to 12th in 2021.

  The short board is made up and the long board is forged. The innovation and development are "blooming and bearing fruit", new industries, new business forms and new models are flourishing, and major innovation achievements are emerging one after another.

  "Chang'e" lunar exploration, "Zhurong" fire detection, "Xihe" day by day, "Haidou-1" successfully achieved a 10,000-meter dive, C919 large passenger plane flew into the sky, and the Beidou satellite navigation system is operating in a global network spanning 4,600 kilometers The satellite-to-earth quantum key distribution was successfully implemented...

  Innovation is also benefiting people's lives.

More and more Fuxing Mercedes-Benz is on the vast land of the motherland, 5G commercialization is fully rolled out, and autonomous driving has begun to be piloted...

  The Economist magazine pointed out in an article: "In the past, the bosses of technology companies in the United States wanted to see the world's most cutting-edge technology, as long as they opened the door, and now they have to fly to China to see everything. ."

  Hermann Simon, the father of "Hidden Champions" and a famous German management scholar, commented that China has become the best testing ground for innovation, especially digital innovation.

"You can really test yourself here to see if you can succeed."

  Innovation is endless, forging ahead in a new journey.

China's economy is inspiring an increasingly strong driving force for innovation, accelerating toward a "new future".
