reading tips

  With the advantages of high cost performance, high supply chain efficiency, complete industrial chain, and better understanding of Chinese consumers, domestic building block brands have gradually demonstrated their strengths in supply chain, original design and craftsmanship.

The sinking market and national tide will be the direction of the domestic building block brand.

  "We recently bought several domestic building blocks for our children. The splicing process is relatively smooth and labor-saving, and the building feels good. Overall, the price/performance ratio is quite high." On August 19, Ms. Wang, a consumer in Chaoyang District, Beijing Speaking to the "Workers Daily" reporter.

  Recently, more than 100 building blocks of the Lego Group announced price increases, with an increase of up to 25%.

In this context, many parents turn their attention to domestic building blocks.

  Since it can meet the consumer demands of people of all ages, the building block toy market has developed rapidly in recent years.

The "2021 White Paper on the Development of China's Toys and Baby Products Industry" released by the China Toys and Baby Products Association in April last year shows that in 2020, consumers will buy the most building blocks, accounting for 16.2%.

According to the "Simple Analysis Report on China's Building Blocks and Toys Industry" released by the Huajing Industry Research Institute in July this year, the domestic building block toy market size exceeds 13 billion yuan at present.

  In this regard, industry insiders pointed out that in the past, domestic building block brands were small and scattered, mostly OEM, but now they have turned to their own brands and are catching up, gradually showing their strength in the supply chain, original design and craftsmanship.

In the tens of billions market of Nuggets, domestic building blocks are becoming more and more confident.

blowing up the national tide

  Nearly a hundred or even thousands of parts, with the actions of sliding, inserting, snapping, and clasping, after a few hours or even longer, a building block toy will slowly unfold in front of you.

This scenario occurs frequently in the lives of children and even adults.

  Zhang Yuang, head of the commercial operation department, told reporters that building blocks, as the category with the highest repurchase attribute in the toy model industry, can meet the demands of people from 1.5 to 90 years old.

It can be said that building blocks support half of the trendy toy market.

  It is reported that in the toy industry consumption data from January to July, building block GMV (gross merchandise transaction) accounted for as high as 42.89%.

  "For a long time, domestic consumers' understanding of building blocks has basically come from LEGO's foreign building block brands. When we mentioned Chinese building blocks, we found that there was no representative brand." The head of brand marketing of Chaowan brand TOP TOY said, However, in recent years, the national tide has risen, and the national tide has also been blowing in the building block industry.

  "By grasping the popular national trend and national style content and digging deep into Chinese traditional culture, Chinese building block brands have multi-dimensionally developed original building block product lines such as China's aerospace, Chinese style, fun trendy games, urban street scenes, technology car groups, and green plants and flowers. , bringing new value to players with accurate cognition and high-quality product power, and is also recognized by consumers.” said the person in charge of TOP TOY brand marketing.

  Zhang Yuang said that from the point of view of what is worth buying in-site data, Lego still occupies most of the domestic trendy building blocks market.

Although Lego has an absolute advantage, domestic building blocks have risen rapidly.

ONEBOT, Bruker, and Bangbao have long ranked among the top 3 domestic building block brands in GMV. Zhegao, Shuangying, Kaizhi, etc. have also been loved by users for their excellent designs.

The global price increase of Lego may further benefit the development of domestic building block brands.

behind the rise

  In the eyes of industry insiders, behind the rise of domestic building blocks is their high cost performance, high supply chain efficiency, perfect industrial chain, and better understanding of Chinese consumers.

  Zhang Yuang analyzed and pointed out that in the past, domestic building block brands were small and scattered, and most of them were OEM. , The technology gradually showed its own strength.

  "First of all, domestic building block brands are generally more friendly in terms of price and cost-effective; secondly, my country has a strong toy supply chain, whether it is the quality of raw materials, mold opening accuracy, or automated product lines, from building block assembly, sub-packaging to production. The whole process of design, development, etc. is on par with the international top level; finally, after nearly 10 years of development, domestic brands are also making a boutique layout, especially the development of traditional IP has become an important highlight, with the advantage of deep understanding of Chinese culture , walk out of its own differentiated development path." Zhang Yuang said.

  "We have bought a domestic building block for construction. There are thousands of parts and it only costs 160 yuan. If it is Lego, it is estimated to be several hundred yuan or even thousands of yuan." Ms. Wang said that the price advantage of domestic building blocks is very obvious. .

  In Zhang Yu'ang's view, the understanding of Chinese culture, especially the packaging and display of Chinese IP, domestic building blocks have more advantages than overseas brands, and this has become the password for the rapid rise of the industry.

  Taking Senbao as an example, it has obtained popular exclusive resources such as Shandong Ship, Aerospace Culture and Creation, Forbidden City Culture; Coincidentally, based on Chinese traditional tenon and mortise skills, has successively launched joint products with the National Museum of China and Qinling Museum; Keeppley has also launched a variety of products. Including Jiang Ziya, Shen Gongbao, Juvenile Nezha and other series of excellent IP products.

  The person in charge of TOP TOY brand marketing believes: "The in-depth understanding of traditional Chinese culture, as well as the improvement of consumers' national pride and cultural self-confidence, have provided a lot of development space for domestic building block brands."

  This Lego price increase may be a good breakout opportunity for domestic building block brands.

In what is worth buying, the discussion about "Lego replacement" is very hot.

For example, a variety of car building blocks under Shuangying have become the “replacement” of Lego car models that are generally recognized by consumers.

more power

  Although domestic building block brands are on the rise, there is still a big gap compared with well-known foreign brands.

"The main reason is that the early domestic building block brands were seriously homogenized, and there was a certain gap between the production process and the top brands. Therefore, even though we have begun to produce many excellent products, consumers still need a process of acceptance and understanding. Domestic building block brands There is still a long way to go in terms of IP development, process polishing and original design." Zhang Yuang said.

  In the eyes of industry insiders, sinking the market and national tide will be the direction of the domestic building block brand.

Domestic building block brands should continue to combine Chinese IP with building blocks, increase the popularity of trendy toy consumption concepts, and create their own trendy toy concepts to achieve differentiated development.

  The head of TOP TOY brand marketing also said: "In terms of Chinese themes, overseas brands still have shortcomings, which is where the opportunities for domestic building block brands lie. For example, our retro home appliance series and China aerospace series are very popular among consumers. In the future, domestic building blocks can dig deep into the treasure house of Chinese culture by increasing independent innovation and development, and improve the quality and diversity of products while retaining the price advantage."

  Regarding the future development direction, the person in charge said that he will make efforts from 3 points to open up the full-link closed-loop of domestic building blocks from design, manufacturing to sales: in terms of creative design, we will spare no effort to attract top design talents at home and abroad, and will also make efforts in the field of creative design. Pay more attention to creativity in design, and form its own core competitiveness in terms of products; in terms of production and manufacturing, continue to optimize the supply chain to give consumers a better experience in terms of disassembly, smoothness and fit; in brand building On the one hand, the interaction with consumers will be normalized, and some ideas and ideas from consumers will be solicited, hoping to jointly create a batch of high-quality products that are more in line with the cultural aesthetic tastes of domestic consumers.

  "We also look forward to more high-quality and creative products from domestic building block brands. Otherwise, it is indeed a bit expensive to always buy foreign brands." Ms. Wang said.

  Yang Zhaokui