China News Service, August 17th. The National Development and Reform Commission's WeChat public account published an article on the 17th to interpret the "comprehensive supervision of boxed mooncakes with a unit price of more than 500 yuan".

  Earlier, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, and the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Announcement on Curbing "Sky-High" Mooncakes and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Industry, which proposed that boxed mooncakes with a unit price of more than 500 yuan be subject to key supervision. .

  The article explained that the implementation of key supervision on boxed mooncakes with a unit price of more than 500 yuan has sufficient data support and practical significance.

Mooncakes, as a traditional popular food in my country, most of the prices are relatively close to the people. Judging from the market situation for many years, about 99% of the boxed mooncakes are priced below 500 yuan.

The "astronomical" mooncakes that have appeared in recent years are often accompanied by luxury packaging, the use of rare ingredients, and the tying of high-priced products. These problems are mainly concentrated in boxed mooncakes with a unit price of more than 500 yuan, which only accounts for about 1% of the market's sales.

  The article clarifies that the relevant departments will implement key and comprehensive supervision on boxed mooncakes with a unit price of more than 500 yuan: first, check whether they comply with relevant laws and regulations, and whether they meet the mandatory standards for restricting excessive packaging. The number of packaging layers, the proportion of packaging costs, and packaging materials and other requirements, whether it meets the requirements of food quality and safety, whether the price is clearly marked, whether there is price fraud, etc.; the second is to check whether relevant transaction information is properly stored, such as transaction date, payment records, etc. The third is to carry out cost investigations as appropriate, to understand the real costs and profits, and to announce them to the public in an appropriate manner.

Enterprises with many problems will be interviewed, and violations of laws and regulations will be seriously investigated and publicly exposed in accordance with the law.

(Zhongxin Finance)

Screenshot of the National Development and Reform Commission WeChat Official Account

