[Explanation] In recent years, the problem of excessive packaging of moon cakes has been criticized.

2022 will be an important node for the mooncake industry.

Because starting from August 15, 2022, the new national standard stipulates that the number of packaging layers for food such as rice dumplings and moon cakes should not exceed three layers at most, while the previous relevant regulations were no more than four layers.

  With less than a month left until the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 10 (the 15th day of the lunar calendar), various mooncake products have already taken the lead in occupying the core shelves of major supermarkets in Shanghai.

On the afternoon of August 9, a reporter from China News Agency found during a visit that the current moon cake packaging on the market basically meets the specifications, and many supermarkets have also launched some bulk or light-packed moon cake products.

  [Concurrent] Huang Lingyan, Head of Purchasing of Metro China Dry Goods Second Department

  For all of Metro's mooncakes this year, we will also require suppliers to issue a certificate of compliance with a strict void ratio provided by a third party.

So for the whole environment, we also launched some simple mooncakes that we think are more cost-effective.

This year, we also released a special package like 29.9 yuan (RMB) for 8 (monthly) cakes, which contains 8 flavors.

  [Explanation] Excessive packaging of commodities will cause waste of resources on the one hand, and a large amount of waste will be generated on the other hand, causing pollution to the environment.

At the same time, the choice of ingredients for joint mooncakes by merchants has also begun to focus on returning the mooncakes themselves to food attributes.

  [Concurrent] Huang Lingyan, Head of Purchasing of Metro China Dry Goods Second Department

  In fact, when we made a joint venture with Guangzhou Restaurant this year, we also deliberately made some bird's nests, which were relatively luxurious last year, and we also returned them to a normal ingredient.

  [Explanation] In previous years, mooncakes with novel tastes and full of gimmicks have made a big splash in the market. Coupled with the exquisite packaging, their prices are not cheap.

This year's mooncakes are dominated by traditional mainstream flavors, and the packaging has also undergone a major "slim down". The price is relatively affordable and popular among the public.

  [Concurrent] Qiu Songliang, a citizen of Shanghai

  This year, the packaging of this mooncake looks quite simple and clean.

I feel that the material is genuine, and the money I spent is not wrong, all of which are normal prices, which are completely acceptable.

  [Concurrent] Mr. Yang from Shanghai

  Generally speaking, this year, the price seems to be cheaper than in previous years. All the packaging costs are actually used on the moon cakes, which is more affordable for the public.

  [Explanation] According to the "Development Trend of China's Mooncake Industry in 2022" report released by the China Bakery and Confectionery Industry Association, under a series of new regulations for mooncakes, "sky-high" mooncakes with a price of more than 500 yuan (RMB, the same below) in 2022 Will be greatly reduced, moon cake gift box packaging will be further "slim down", the price is mainly concentrated between 80 yuan to 260 yuan.

  Reporter Xu Yinkang Yuzhan reported from Shanghai

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]