The preliminary report of GDP = Gross Domestic Product for the three months from April to June will be announced on August 15th.

Prior to the target period, priority measures such as epidemic prevention were lifted, and service consumption such as eating out is recovering.

According to GDP forecasts compiled by 14 private think tanks and others for the period from April to June, all 14 companies expect the real growth rate, excluding price fluctuations, to turn positive for the first time in two quarters. , with annualized rates ranging from 1.4% to 3.6%.

In March, just before the target period, key measures such as epidemic prevention were lifted, and demand for service industries such as eating and drinking and lodging returned, and "personal consumption", which accounts for more than half of GDP, increased and overall. I agree with you about pushing up.

However, due to the disruption of the supply chain due to restrictions on going out in Shanghai, China, the production of automobiles and home appliances has decreased, and there is a growing view that purchases of durable consumer goods will be sluggish among personal consumption.

In addition, all 14 companies expect a positive increase in "corporate capital investment," due to an increase in investment to promote digitalization.

On the other hand, 9 companies expect negative exports due to the slowdown of the Chinese economy.

On the other hand, the current Japanese economy is facing concerns such as rising prices, a resurgence of infections, and a slowdown in overseas economies such as the United States.