Regarding the JR route, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism said that the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism said, "Regional It is necessary to look carefully at each case, "he said, and expressed the idea that it is important to proceed with discussions from the perspective of the residents.

A study group of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism summarized a proposal on the 25th regarding the ideal state of local railways that continue to be in the red, and in the case of JR, targeting sections with a "transport density" of less than 1000 people, which indicates the average number of people carried per day. The government should play a central role in establishing a council and proceeding with discussions, including the conversion to buses.

Regarding this proposal, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Saito said at a press conference after the Cabinet meeting on the 26th, "Rather than making a uniform judgment on the abolition of railways just because they are below a certain level of transportation demand, look carefully at each region. It is necessary to go, "he said, and expressed the idea that it is important to proceed with discussions from the perspective of the residents.

On top of that, "It is obvious that sustainable public transportation will collapse if nothing is done as it is. What are the problems now and how to make public transportation happy for local residents? It is important for businesses to work together to discuss. "

Based on this proposal, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism plans to make preparations so that discussions at the council can begin next year.