[Site · I'm thinking] Passed the job search and was finally defeated by "character"?

  Yu Linge

  When applying for a job, I went through five hurdles all the way, but I never expected that I would finally lose to "character" - for a period of time, many job seekers complained that "the written test and interview have been passed, but the personality test has not passed" "evaluation The results show that my anxiety index is high and I am not suitable for this job"... During the interview, I found that nowadays, many companies have added a personality test in the recruitment process, and some also use it as an important criterion for selecting and employing people. People who fail the test and fail the job search are not alone.

  I still remember that seven or eight years ago, when I went to a foreign company to interview for an internship position, I also took a set of "professional personality test" with hundreds of questions. The test results will match the respondents to a number of "suitable" positions.

In my opinion, such a personality test does not have much substantive effect. What really allows me to establish my career direction and lay the foundation for my professional ability is the accumulation of practice and experience, not personality.

But the reality is that many years later, many companies use their character to "one-vote" applicants.

  Some business leaders told me that the reason why personality tests are favored in some recruitment processes is that they can be used as a "universal language" for classifying and identifying a large number of job applicants and quickly screening them, so that companies can quickly understand job applicants. More three-dimensional character characteristics and behavioral preferences outside the resume, and at the same time, you can seek employees who fit your own corporate culture and values.

  Are personality tests really so magical?

Can it really provide such accurate and wise advice for companies to recruit and employ people?

  Some interviewees believe that when the supply of job seekers in the job market exceeds the demand, it is understandable that companies adopt various methods to select employees, but some bizarre, unrealistic and even pseudo-scientific methods have also entered the room, which is puzzling. It is also prone to injustice and controversy.

  There is a two-way choice between companies and job seekers. Some personality tests actually convey the values ​​of the company intentionally or unintentionally, which is easy to form a kind of implicit pressure and psychological suggestion for job seekers.

For example, the personality test of some companies has a strong tendency - the company has a lot of overtime and high work intensity. If job seekers can "resist pressure" in the personality test, the chances of being hired will be greatly increased, and the "worry index is high" ” may be a negative factor.

This also means that if job seekers want to get a job, they can choose to deliberately cater to the orientation and needs of the company.

In this way, it is not only unfair, but also may turn the two-way selection into "single screening".

  Personality is abstract, and it is questionable whether it is scientific or fair.

It should be noted that even when some professional psychological institutions carry out psychological analysis on help seekers, the evaluation process is as complete and cautious as possible.

Some companies simply use the personality test as a reference factor for recruiting, and even exaggerate its role in recruiting, which is not only too hasty, but also suspected of employment discrimination - according to the provisions of my country's Employment Promotion Law, "employment shall not be discriminated against due to differences in ethnicity, race, gender, religious belief, etc." Although the law does not directly include the personality characteristics of job seekers into the prohibited category, the word "etc" already means that this is a relative "Open" provisions, employment discrimination is not limited to these forms or levels.

  In fact, in job search forums, I have also seen HR sharing counter-examples of "passing the personality test with a high score": some job seekers passed the personality test with a very high degree of matching, but were found to have professional quality and professional ability after entering the job Failing to meet the job requirements gives a feeling of being unreliable.

  Since time immemorial, it has always been "the able-bodied".

Employers do not pay attention to the consideration of talent ability, but focus on personality indicators, which is not only unfavorable for selecting talents and promoting their own enterprise development, but also eliminating the meaning of fair competition and struggle to a certain extent. What is the significance of the "plasticine character" that caters to needs?

  Enterprises need to select people who are suitable for the position and have both ability and political integrity. It is worth encouraging and promoting the innovation of the selection and employment mechanism, but it is also necessary to avoid the situation where the rights and interests of workers are accidentally harmed for the sake of form and efficiency.

Relevant departments should not sit idly by with regard to this "superstitious" personality test and harm the rights and interests of laborers.