"In the beginning, I submitted a lot of resumes, but I finally realized that no reply is the answer." At the beginning of this year, Ma Changsen, who was about to graduate from a college in the northwest, had just finished his internship and turned to another job search "sea investment" trip.

  Participating in online job fairs, constantly swiping news about recruitment public accounts, and joining job-hunting groups of various companies... Ma Changsen's preliminary estimate is that during that time, he delivered about a hundred resumes, and some of them were able to receive written test and interview notices. about half.

  What impressed Ma Changsen was that one day he completed 3 online written exams, starting at 9:00 in the morning and finishing at 9:00 in the evening.

Although the actual situation is often to be passed (eliminated) after screening resumes and taking the written test, Ma Changsen still cherishes every opportunity to enter the written test. He feels that round after round of exams is also an accumulation of "experience points" again and again. .

  This year, the first batch of post-00 undergraduate graduates are about to enter the workplace, and the topic of employment has repeatedly become the focus of discussion. When the seemingly "rebellious" hot words such as "post-00 rectify the workplace" and "post-00 refuse to work overtime" rushed into the hot search, everyone did not know Many of them have long regarded job hunting as an experience of "upgrading and fighting monsters".

Haitou resume should also seize the opportunity to accompany "chicken blood" roommates to apply for a job

  At the beginning, Ma Changsen was very unconfident of himself, and even during an interview, he was almost "stunned" by the interview list.

  This is a Fortune 500 company located in Beijing. Ma Changsen was very satisfied with the work content, development space and other aspects, so he submitted his resume.

During the interview, he found that there were graduates from Oxford University, Peking University, Fudan University and other well-known universities at home and abroad competing for the same position.

  In June this year, a "2022 Graduation Season Survey and Analysis Report" released by an online job search platform showed that first-tier cities are still the first choice for most graduates due to their outstanding employment opportunities, economic strength and location advantages.

However, new first-tier cities with lower living costs and high livability are more favored by the post-00s generation.

In addition, 60% of graduates said that salary, personal development and promotion mechanism are the most important factors for job hunting.

  In Ma Changsen's view, he prefers to describe the job search as a journey of pursuing "two-way running", "requires one's own efforts and 'seeing the fate'".

  The process of waiting is difficult, and it is mixed with growing pains and unknown uncertainties.

However, Ma Changsen's "overseas investment" strategy gradually came into effect. After a period of time, he would always be "inexplicably" notified for a written test interview. In his opinion, this was due to his "chicken blood" roommate.

  In the past, Ma Changsen's resume was always passed because the content was not focused and did not match the job well, but Ma Changsen's "chicken blood" roommate seemed to know him better than him, not only helping him recall some important practical experiences , and will help him analyze the suitability of different experiences and different positions.

"I'm still me, but if you adjust the way of expression, it will become a bright spot." Ma Changsen never thought that he had so many experiences and advantages related to job hunting, let alone that his roommates helped him build up his self-confidence.

  In addition to updating their resumes, "chicken blood" roommates will also participate in other aspects of each person's job search, from sharing recruitment information, analyzing the feasibility of positions to submitting resumes, and each subsequent round of written test interviews.

"He is helping us change from passive waiting to action." Ma Changsen said.

The "Lightning Avoidance Guide" for peers to stay warm and seek employment is launched on social platforms

  The Internet has also set off an action to share employment experience among strangers.

  At the beginning of this year, Zhang Tong, who returned from studying in the UK, originally planned to deliver to several top-ranked financial companies, but she submitted more than a dozen and was rejected more than a dozen times. She felt that the difficulty of her job search had climbed to "Hardmode".

  Zhang Tong began to analyze whether her employment goals were realistic. She found that her favorite position paid more attention to programming skills and data analysis skills, which were lacking in her educational background.

So she turned her goal to a position that was most in line with her own experience and had a slightly lower threshold, and soon received her first offer.

  Adjusting herself and correctly understanding herself according to the actual situation is Zhang Tong's biggest gain in this experience. She wants to record her growth.

On the night of receiving the offer, Zhang Tong updated a post on social media called "Lessons of Blood and Tears for 2022 Freshmen", which received tens of thousands of likes, comments and private messages overnight.

  Zhang Tong didn't expect the post to be "popular", let alone that there are so many people of the same age who are confused about job hunting.

In order to help more people, Zhang Tong divided his entire job search process into three major topics: "correct self-knowledge", "resume preparation" and "written test interview experience", and recorded in detail his mentality changes at each stage and coping.

  There are many more people who share their job search experience on social platforms, in various ways and content.

For example, young people from all walks of life shoot their own work Vlogs; graduates share the experience posts of "Lightning Avoidance Guide"; set up "Fresh Graduates Anti-Anxiety", "Have you received an offer today?" Interactive communication group.

  Zhang Tong feels that this method will reduce information barriers, thereby eliminating the uncertainty of his own small world, and will also gain some positive feedback.

"But the experience post is just a reference system, everyone has their own coordinates and situation, and ultimately it is up to them to solve the problem."

  Zhu Di, a researcher and deputy director of the Research Office of Adolescent and Educational Sociology at the Institute of Sociology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that for young people, this is a more effective way to solve problems.

Young people can not only share experiences and experiences across regions and spaces, but also search for the posts of seniors in the industry, realizing cross-generational and cross-industry exchanges, which to a certain extent can help them avoid some of their lives.” detour".

Why do young people say "lie down" when they actually work hard

  When the post-00s entered the workplace, Internet words such as "lying flat", "Buddhist system", and "rotten" gradually became popular, but there were also hot words representing struggle, such as "involution", "branching up" and "rushing".

The seemingly contradictory words reflect a new definition of work for young people in the new era.

  Judy has compared and studied the survey data on values ​​at home and abroad in the past 20 years. She found that contemporary young people are more pursuing a balance between work, life and family; compared with other developed countries, Chinese young people's work-oriented ethics is relatively It is relatively high, but from the perspective of my country's vertical development data, it has declined compared with 20 years ago.

  Judy believes that when young people's work-first ethic declines, they pursue more emotional satisfaction and self-realization, and the concept of sacrificing leisure and entertainment for work is declining.

However, once the pressure of life is highlighted, young people are more willing to make greater efforts to change their lives.

  Wang Wenxuan, who graduated from a university in Beijing, gradually found her role in the process of job hunting and recruitment.

Since September last year, Wang Wenxuan has delivered more than a dozen Internet companies in Beijing and Shanghai, but they all stopped at the final interview.

Facing high rent and work pressure, Wang Wenxuan decided to leave the first-tier cities.

  However, Wang Wenxuan, who returned to her hometown, did not relax.

In her opinion, the opportunities in small cities are correspondingly reduced, and a good job is often "crowded".

  Today, Wang Wenxuan in a small town is trying hard to find a "good job".

She feels that no matter what city you are in or what job you are doing, always working hard and being optimistic are the propositions of life.

  How do young people find a job that suits them?

Judy believes that young people need to reflect on whether their definition of a "good job" comes from the ideas of others, the public's cognition, or whether it truly conforms to their own value pursuits and hobbies. Setting strict standards is likely to limit your own development and lose many opportunities.

  "Young people don't need to pursue perfection in a short period of time to find a job. When they turn strict standards into restrictions, they may become the biggest obstacle on the road to perfection." Judy said.

  (At the request of the interviewee, Wang Wenxuan is a pseudonym in the text)

  Xu Ziwei, a trainee reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily