On the first anniversary of the listing of Hong Kong stocks, Nai Xue asked if you would like to be a virtual shareholder.

  On June 30, Nai Xue's tea official announced the commemoration of the first anniversary of the listing of Hong Kong stocks, and launched "Na Xue Coin" and virtual stocks.

According to the rules of the activity, consumers can obtain "Naixue Coins" in the "Naixue Order" applet by purchasing products, checking in every day, completing tasks, etc., and "Naixue Coins" can be purchased in the applet. Nayuki's virtual stock.

Virtual stocks are linked to the trend of Naixue Hong Kong stock market. Consumers can simulate stocks by buying and selling virtual stocks or even adding leverage to realize the appreciation of "Naixue coins" and exchange gifts such as gift certificates in the mall.

  As soon as the event came out, it caused a huge controversy.

Some people think that Naixue does not make products well, but instead plays tricks in marketing, and some people question whether Naixue's game rules involve illegal behaviors such as issuing coins, gambling, and unauthorized issuance of securities.

But at present, the so-called "Nixue Coins" and virtual stocks do not involve cash recharge, nor can they be traded or realized. Therefore, it is still a game of membership points, but it is still necessary to be alert to whether similar activities are edged. Behavior.

  Nai Xue invites you to trade stocks virtually

  According to the event notice released by Nai Xue, from June 30 to July 2, use the "Na Xue Order" applet to place an order. If the actual payment of milk tea exceeds 30 yuan, 30 virtual shares will be given away, which can be purchased at Nai Xue. Coin Mall exchange for 3 yuan gift certificate.

There is only one gift per order, but there is no limit to each person, you can drink more and send more.

  The specific implementation method is that the membership points accumulated by consumers when purchasing Nai Xue's tea products will be renamed "Nai Xue Coin" from June 30, and the points mall will also be renamed "Nai Xue Coin Mall".

The ways for consumers to obtain Nai Xue coins include purchasing products (for every 1 yuan spent, they will get 1 Nai Xue coin), daily check-in, and completing tasks.

  At the same time, "Nai Xue Coin" is also the game currency of Nai Xue virtual stocks. Users can use "Nai Xue Coin" to buy virtual stocks and become virtual shareholders.

Virtual stock price = real closing price of Naixue Hong Kong stock * exchange rate of Hong Kong stock against RMB.

  In other words, consumers can buy and sell virtual stocks by predicting the stock price trend of Naixue Hong Kong stock and the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollar against RMB, so as to try to realize the appreciation of "Naixue Coin", and then exchange higher-value gifts (including Gift vouchers, tea, snacks, European packages, etc.).

  What's more exaggerated is that Nai Xue also added "leverage". Even if you don't have enough "Naixue coins" in your account, you can choose to add 2x, 5x or 10x leverage to "borrow money" to buy virtual currency. stock.

This rule is very similar to the financing business of the stock market, which greatly increases the excitement of the gameplay and also amplifies the investment risk of virtual stocks.

  Controversy arose, did the move involve violations?

  Buying and selling virtual stocks, linking to the Hong Kong stock market, and leveraged trading... Nai Xue's one-year anniversary event launched this time is extremely similar to real stock trading, which made the entire market alarm bells.

  In this regard, some lawyers pointed out that Naixue's activity involved a large number of consumers, and encouraging users to spend more by giving away virtual stocks may involve disguised absorption of social funds.

The concepts such as "Nai Xue Coin" and virtual stocks proposed by him may involve risks such as unauthorized issuance of securities and illegal fundraising.

  However, some lawyers believe that this activity is actually just borrowing the framework of stock speculation. "Nixue Coin" is still a member's point in essence, does not involve recharge and prepayment, cannot conduct transactions with others, and cannot be directly exchanged into RMB and other currencies. For gift certificates and commodities, merchants do not extract commissions or profits from them, so it is actually a game of membership points, which cannot be directly equated with unauthorized issuance of securities.

  It is worth noting that with the diversification of the market environment, more and more merchants continue to launch more interesting and innovative marketing activities, which is understandable.

But some marketing campaigns take a slant, and are likely to cause trouble unknowingly.

For example, a company once launched a Valentine's Day event, where small amounts of LVMH shares could be purchased and given to others through WeChat payment.

Although the event itself was just a gimmick and the amount involved was not high, it still attracted the attention of foreign exchange regulators because it involved purchasing stocks in overseas markets in RMB.

(Broker China)