Zhongxin Finance, June 26. According to the Capital Window website, the Beijing Municipal Drug Administration formulated and the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued the "Guidelines for Epidemic Prevention and Control of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Business Enterprises in Beijing" recently.

  According to the "Guidelines", enterprises should reasonably set the maximum customer reception volume in line with the actual situation of the enterprise according to factors such as the area of ​​the business premises and the number of employees, and publicize it in the gate area. In

principle, it should not be less than 1 person per four square meters

, and strictly control the flow of people density to prevent people from gathering.

For enterprises located in closed and controlled areas, the number of personnel entering the business premises should not exceed 50% of the maximum number of customers received.

  The "Guidelines" stipulate that

drug retail enterprises that sell "four types of drugs" should register the purchaser's information through the "Jing Yaotong" platform before selling

, and must not report late, conceal, miss, or misreport.

The area where the closed and controlled area is located should be managed at a higher level, and purchasers should be required to perform a new crown antigen test first, and only when the result is negative can they sell "four types of drugs".

  In addition, enterprises should supervise that personnel entering relevant places must wear masks, do a good job in self-protection, and cooperate with the inspection personnel at the gate to scan the code to check and measure the temperature.

If the temperature of the entering person is ≥37.3℃ or the health treasure is in the pop-up window state, the enterprise should guide the relevant personnel to go to the medical institution (set up a fever clinic and a fever clinic) for treatment, and promptly report to the local street, town, and industry competent authority.
