"How much can a New Oriental corn farmer earn at 6 yuan" has caused heated discussions. The price of 6 yuan is only "slightly expensive". Why does it cause certain doubts?

Because what everyone cares about is that if corn is more expensive, will farmers be able to make more money?

It is not so much that everyone doubts that New Oriental corn is expensive, it is better to say that everyone thinks that they cannot make more difference in the name of farmers.

Behind this, there is a more thoughtful topic: how to make farmers earn more money?

More sharing of profits in the industry chain?

In the traditional production and sales pattern, farmers are in a weak position, so the profits they receive are often the least.

If New Oriental can really make farmers earn more money, we are also happy to see it.

But what we need to beware of is that this is still just a "carnival" of middlemen, and farmers have not benefited much.

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]