
Nuri, whose launch was delayed by one day due to strong winds, will move to the launch pad today (15th).

The weather is predicted to be good tomorrow, so it seems that the launch will be carried out without any problem.

Correspondent Seo Dong-gyun.


Nuriho, which is 47.2m high and is 17 stories high.

It was originally scheduled to stand on the launch pad yesterday, but the movement was delayed by a day due to strong winds.

[Oh Seung- hyeop

/ Aerospace Research Institute Projectile Propulsion Agency Development Department: A great gust of wind can be expected from the umbilical tower (launcher) with an altitude of about 48 m, so the safety of the workers was further considered.]

At a speed of 1.5 km, you will travel 1.8 km to the launch site slowly over an hour and a half.

When you arrive at the launch site, you will stand tall towards space.

The launch time is likely tomorrow at 4 PM.

The final launch time is determined by comprehensively analyzing the state of the launch vehicle, weather conditions, and the possibility of colliding space objects.

Expectations for a successful launch have grown even greater as the problem of the three-stage oxidizer tank, which was the cause of the failure of the first launch, has been thoroughly supplemented.

[Jang Young-soon / Aerospace Research Institute Launch Vehicle System Development Department: 3 stage improvement, but this part was carried out a little easier and faster than we thought.

I think it's just a step to go through the normal process...


The key to this launch is a satellite mounted on a rocket, and unlike the last time when only a model was loaded, this time, an actual performance verification satellite weighing 162.5 kg was loaded.

If the launch is successful tomorrow, Korea will join the ranks of space powers that launched the world's 7th medium-large liquid rocket.

The Korea Aerospace Research Institute plans to launch an additional Nuri for a total of four times from next year to 2027 in order to increase the reliability of the launch.