Interest in overseas travel is growing as the government lifts restrictions on air travel that were closed due to COVID-19.

There are also complaints that air ticket prices rarely drop.

According to the airline industry, the price of a round-trip ticket from Incheon to Paris next month will exceed 2.5 million won.

Hawaii is 1.6 million won and Bangkok is 600,000 won, which is still high compared to before Corona.

Even though the government has allowed virtually unlimited flights, there are complaints about why the ticket prices remain the same.

The airline industry explains that this is because the procedure for normalizing international flights takes time.

First of all, airlines have to apply for an appropriate level of flight increase after understanding the actual demand for overseas travel, and after that, it is a method approved by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, so the process takes time.

Considering this, it is predicted that the seat supply will increase noticeably until around July or August at the earliest, and the price of air tickets will drop enough to be felt.