Is Moutai ice cream expensive?

Recently, Moutai began to sell ice cream. Two of the three prepackaged ice creams are priced at 66 yuan, and the other is priced at 59 yuan.

This time, Maotai's seemingly "non-professional" cross-border sales also want to attract young consumer groups, which is a kind of "pleasure" for young people.

But whether this "pleasant" works, and how many people are willing to pay, is worth watching.

According to a poll of 4,527 people on Weibo, 1,913 votes chose "too expensive, and was persuaded by the price", accounting for 42%.

The price of Moutai has made young people unaffordable. If ice cream also makes people feel unattainable and not close to the people, then it is necessary to reflect on the meaning of this cross-border.

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]